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• Arenas Valle Francisco Javier
• Carranco Torres Christian Gabriel.
• Chavez Balderas Edgar Juan.
• Díaz Barajas Susette Paola.
• Garrido Espinoza Alejandra.
• Quintero Ramírez Ana Lidia.
• Solano Abarca Cristóbal Adolfo.

Ketorolac used to moderately strong pain

relief, usually after sugery. It belongs to a
class of medications called NASAIDs.
This medicine comes as a tablet to take by
Side Effects

• Headache.
• Dizziness.
• Somnolence (sleepiness).
• Diarrhea.
• Constipation.
• Gases
• Mouth sores.
• Perspiration.
Side Effects
• Ulcers.
• Bleeding.
• Holes in the stomach or intestine.
• These problems may develop at any time
during treatment without warning
symptoms and cause the patient’s death.
Side Effects
• People who take nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs such as ketorolac may
be at greater risk of having a heart attack
or stroke than those not taking these
• Because of that is important consult to a
doctor before take this drug.

The derivate of “Chloropyramine” is

the principal ingredient for mades

Chemical formula :

Chloropyramine is one of more old

 antihistamine drug used for the treatment of
allergies, actually is the antihistamine more
popular in the world.

How working?
The chloropynamine has an antagonist
receiver, this receiver block the histamine
effects on the cell.

o Avapena can be used for a:

o Allergic reactions.
o Allergic of the skin.
o Insect Bites.
o Allergies to Food.
Dragee; Oral; Chloropyramine 25 mg

Injectable; Injection; Chloropyramine 10 mg /


Side Effects:

• Vertigo.
•  Drowsiness.
• Fatigue.
• Weakness.
How Are Vaccines Made?

All vaccines have the same general goal: weaken the virus or bacteria
in a way that allows the recipient to develop an immune response
without developing any symptoms of infection. Vaccines are made
using the same components that are found in the natural virus or
Weaken the virus
Using this strategy, viruses are weakened so that they reproduce
themselves very poorly once inside the body. Whereas natural viruses
reproduce themselves thousands of times, vaccine viruses usually
reproduce themselves fewer than 20 times. Because vaccine viruses
don't reproduce themselves very much, they don't cause disease, but
vaccine viruses replicate well enough to induce "memory B cells" that
protect against infection in the future.

* The measles, mumps, German measles

(rubella), rotavirus, intranasal influenza and
chickenpox (varicella) vaccines are made this
Inactivate the virus

Using this strategy, viruses are completely inactivated (or

killed) with a chemical. By killing the virus, it cannot possibly
reproduce itself or cause disease. Because the virus is still
"seen" by the body, cells of the immune system that protect
against disease are generated.

*The inactivated polio, hepatitis A,

influenza (shot), and rabies vaccines are
made this way.
Use part of the virus

Using this strategy, just one part of the virus is removed and
used as a vaccine. The vaccine is composed of a protein that
resides on the surface of the virus. This strategy can be used
when an immune response to one part of the virus (or
bacteria) is responsible for protection against disease.

*The hepatitis B and HPV vaccines are

made this way.
Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid.
What is the aspirin?
Is a drug often used as anti-inflammatory or analgesic (for relief of mild
to moderate pain) and antipyretic (for fever).
Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid.
In antiquity, the remedy was in the nature. Willow bark has been from
time immemorial treat fever and pain. That is, an antipyretic and
analgesic. "Aspirin" was the trade name given by Bayer laboratories for
this substance, becoming the first drug of the group of anti-
Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid.
Ways to use
Aspirin is administered mainly orally, aspirin also comes in adult
chewable preparations. Flavored effervescent preparations are suitable
for those who prefer liquid medication administration.

Clinical use:
• Mild to moderate pain of different origin, like as headache,
menstrual periods, colds, toothache and muscular aches.
• Rheumatic fever, especially rheumatoid arthritis.
• Other inflammatory disorders of the joints.
Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid.
Curiosities of aspirin

• So small and so great: Never a drug so small was so powerful. An aspirin tablet has a
diameter of 1.2 cm., A thickness of 6 mm. And a weight of 0.600g.

• Argentina consumes more aspirin: In Argentina consumes a quarter of all aspirin

consumed in the world.

• Aspirin traveled to the Moon: 72 years after the discovery of aspirin, it traveled into
space in the hands of astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins. The drug could not be
absent from your medicine cabinet, because the space adventure could cause
occasional headache.

• How many aspirin are consumed?: In the everyday world consumed 216 million

• Aspirin in the dictionary: The word aspirin became substantial in 1936, when she was
accepted by the Reall Academy of the Spanish Language.
• Antiulcer inhibitors, proton
What is it?
• Omeprazole is a drug that
inhibits the proton pump. This
pump is located in the wall of
cells lining the stomach.
These cells use proton pump
to produce stomach acid.
Omeprazole works by
decreasing the amount of acid
produced in the stomach.
Why use it?
• Ulcers of stomach and duodenum (bowel part closest to the
stomach) and in the prevention of relapses.
• Ulcers caused by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
• Deterioration due to excessive production of acid by the stomach.
• Gastroesophageal reflux.
What precautions should be taken?
• It is important to respect the
scheduled time.
• Discard malignant lesions such as
cancer of the stomach or esophagus.
• In case of kidney or liver failure.
When should you not use?
• For patients allergic to omeprazole,
pantoprazole, rabeprazole or
lansoprazole or any of its
• If you are being treated with
atazanavir (AIDS treatment).
Hydrocodone/paracetamol is a combination
of two analgesic products
hydrocodone and paracetamol used to
relieve moderate to severe pain.
A Marketed under the trade names Vicodin,
Anexsia, Anolor DH5, etc.
• Is used to manage pain although It is most
commonly prescribed for relief of
moderate to moderately severe pain of
acute, chronic, or post-operative types.
• Side-effects of hydrocodone/paracetamol
are most commonly upset stomach,
nausea, and altered mental states (e.g.,
dizziness, light headedness).
The Paracetamol

Paracetamol (DCI) or acetaminophen

(acetaminophen) is a drug with analgesic,
anti-inflammatory properties without
clinically significant. It inhibits the
synthesis of prostaglandins, cellular
mediators responsible for the onset of
pain. It also has antipyretic effects. It
usually present in the form of capsules,
tablets, suppositories or oral drops.
The Paracetamol

In recommended doses acetaminophen

does not affect the gastric mucosa or
blood clotting or kidneys. However, a slight
excess of the normal dose can severely
damage the liver. Paracetamol is rapidly
and completely absorbed orally and
rectally pretty well, taking the advantage of
avoiding the first-pass metabolism. There
also intravenous preparations.
The Paracetamol
• Acetaminophen should not be taken
after consuming alcohol, because the
liver when alcohol is metabolized, can
not metabolize acetaminophen
simultaneously, thus increasing the
risk of hepatotoxicity. Used
responsibly, acetaminophen is one of
the safest treatments available for
The Paracetamol
• The toxic dose of paracetamol is
highly variable. In adults, single doses
above 7.5 g or 150 mg / kg have a
reasonable likelihood of causing
hepatotoxicity. In adults, doses
greater than 25 grams are potentially
Thank you!

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