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 Group discussion is an activity that calls

for application of a variety of
communication skills such as speaking
& listening, questioning, giving and
receiving feedback, presenting
information and effective use of
nonverbal communication.
 A group discussion maybe defined as an
extended communication often
interactive among participants who have
an agreed topic. Group discussion is a
group process or team building exercise
where views of different team members
are incorporated in order to reach a
common goal.
 Formal & Informal

 Real & Simulated

Purpose of GD
 Improve Learning & Understanding
 Exchange of information & ideas
 Arrive at consensus & elicit commitment
 To get feedback
 To collect ideas
 Solve a problem etc
Essentials of GD
 Group Structure (Size, ethnicity, gender)
 Group task (purpose & time limit)
 Group preparation & participation
 Group accountability
 Planning and
 Rules
 Mutual evaluation
Qualities assessed during a GD
 Leadership Skills
Ability to lead, inspire, carry the team

 Communication Skills
Clarity of thought, expression, aptness of language

 Interpersonal Skills
People centered and not self centered

 Persuasive Skills

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