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Computer Science and

History of Computer Development
 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And
Computer) was the first electronic general-
purpose computer. It was Turing-complete, digital,
and capable of being reprogrammed to solve a full
range of computing problems. It was publicly
announced on February 14, 1946.
 ENIAC contained 17,468 vacuum tubes, 7,200
crystal diodes and around 5 million hand-soldered
joints. It weighed more than 30 short tons, took up
1800 square feet (167 m2), and consumed 150 kW of
 ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer) 1940
 The Atanasoff computer was approximately the size
of a large desk. It had approximately 270 vacuum
tubes. Two hundred and ten tubes controlled the
arithmetic unit, 30 tubes controlled the card reader
and card punch, and the remaining tubes helped
maintain charges in the condensers.
 Limitation: It was slow, required constant operator
monitoring, and was not programmable.
Computer Generations
 1st. (1946-1957 ) Vacuum
 2nd. (1958-1964 ) Transistor(Programming
languages appeared)
 3rd.( 1965-1970 ) Integrated Circuits
 4th.( 1971 - ) VLSI…
The trend…
 Performance:
 Size:
 Multimedia:
 Communication:
 Price:
 ENIAC: 3000-5000 additions per second 1946
 IBM Watson: 80 teraflops 2011
 1 Teraflops= one trillion floating point operations per
 Supercomputers are computers that are at the frontline of
current processing capacity, particularly speed of calculation.
Supercomputers are used for scientific and engineering
problems (DNA/A-bomb Simulation), while mainframes are
used for transaction processing.
 Mainframe computers are powerful computers used
primarily by corporate and governmental organizations for
critical applications.
 Workstation is a high-end computer designed for technical or
scientific applications, intended primarily to be used by one
person at a time.
 Microcomputer is a computer with a microprocessor as
its central processing unit (CPU). It includes a microprocessor,
memory, and input/output (I/O) facilities.
What’s computer for…
 Scientific calculation…
 Information processing…
 Automatic controls…
 Artificial intelligence…
 DNA computing is a form of computing which
uses DNA, biochemistry and molecular biology,
instead of the traditional silicon-based computer
 DNA computing, or, more generally, biomolecular
computing, is a fast developing interdisciplinary area.
 A quantum computer is a computation device that
makes direct use of quantum mechanical phenomena,
such as superposition and entanglement, to perform
operations on data.
Digital systems
 Decimal system: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ten digits
 Binary system: 0,1 two digits
 Octal system: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 eight digits
 Hexadecimal system: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F

 What’s the best digital system for computer?

 Who proposed the binary system?
 (3058.72)10==3×103+0×102+5×101+8×100+7×10-

 (10111.01)2==1×24+0×23+1×22+1×21+1×20+
Binary to Decimal
 ( 1100101.101)2=1×26+1×25+0×24+0×23+1×22+0×21

Convert (1011010.1101)2
Decimal to Binary
 Integer part: divided by two
 Fractional part: multiplied by two

 (66.625)10
 (66)10=(1000010)2
 (0.625)10=(0.101)2

 Note: Not all decimal values can be precisely

converted into binary values.
Further conversion
 From binary to octal, hexadecimal
 From octal and hexadecimal to binary
Some famous guys and companies in
 John von Neumann (December 28, 1903 – February
8, 1957) was a mathematician who made major
contributions to a vast number of fields. He is
generally regarded as one of the greatest
mathematicians in modern history.
 Alan Mathison Turing, (23 June 1912 – 7 June
1954), was an English
mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, and computer
scientist. He was highly influential in the
development of computer science, giving a
formalisation of the concepts of “algorithm" and
"computation" with the Turing machine, which can
be considered a model of a general purpose computer.
Turing is widely considered to be the father of
computer science and artificial intelligence.
Turing Test
 The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to
exhibit intelligent behaviour.

 Limitation: Some human behavior is unintelligent

and Some intelligent behavior is inhuman.

 Edsger W. Dijkstra: a principal contributor in the late
1950s to the development of the ALGOL, a high
level programming language which has become a
model of clarity and mathematical rigor. He is one of
the principal proponents of the science and art of
programming languages in general, and has greatly
contributed to our understanding of their structure,
representation, and implementation.
 Donald E. Knuth: Knuth has been called the "father"
of the analysis of algorithms. He contributed to the
development of the rigorous analysis of the
computational complexity of algorithms and
systematized formal mathematical techniques for it.
 Edgar F. Codd: invented the relational model for 
database management, the theoretical basis
for relational database.
 An American technology and consulting corporation headquartered
in Armonk, New York, United States. IBM manufactures and sells
computer hardware and software, from mainframe computers
to nanotechnology.

Famous inventions by IBM include the following:

 Automated teller machine (ATM) Floppy disk Hard disk drive
 Electronic keypunch Magnetic stripe card
Scanning tunneling microscope
 Reduced instruction set computing Relational database
 Universal Product Code (UPC) Financial swap
 SABRE airline reservation system
 Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM)
 Watson artificial intelligence
 an American corporation that designs and sells consumer
electronics, computer software, and personal computers.

Current products and services:

 iMac
 iPad
 iPod
 iPhone
 Apple TV
 Software (iTunes, iWorks…)
  an American corporation headquartered in Redmond,
Washington that develops, manufactures, licenses and
supports a wide range of products and services related
to computing.

 an American corporation which provides Internet-
related products and services, including internet
search, cloud computing,
and software and advertising technologies.
 ASCII is a character-encoding scheme originally
based on the English alphabet. ASCII codes
represent text in computers, communication equipme
nt, and other devices that use text. 
Number representation
 sign-and-magnitude
 ones' complement
 two's complement
 Conventionally, a computer consists of at least one
processing element and some form of memory. The
processing element carries out arithmetic and logic
operations, and a sequencing and control unit that can
change the order of operations based on stored
information. Peripheral devices allow information to
be retrieved from an external source, and the result of
operations saved and retrieved.
 Control unit/Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)/Memory/
Input/output (I/O)
 CPU the hardware within a computer system which
carries out the instructions of a computer program by
performing the basic arithmetical, logical,
and input/output operations of the system.
 Memory: the physical devices used to store programs
(sequences of instructions) or data (e.g. program state
information) on a temporary or permanent basis for
use in a computer or other digital electronic device.
 Primary memory is used for the information in
physical systems which are fast (i.e. RAM), as a
distinction from secondary memory, which are
physical devices for program and data storage which
are slow to access but offer higher memory capacity.
 Primary memory stored on secondary memory is
called “virtual memory".
 A solid-state drive (SSD) uses integrated
circuit assemblies as memory to store
data persistently.
 SSDs do not employ any moving mechanical
components and are typically less susceptible to
physical shock, are silent, and have lower access time
and latency, but are, at 2011 market prices, more
expensive per unit of storage.
 Input device is any peripheral used to provide data
and control signals to an information processing
system such as a computer or other information
 An output device is any piece of computer
hardware equipment used to communicate the results
of data processing carried out by an information
processing system which converts the electronically
generated information into human-readable form.

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