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Most common signs and symptoms
•-High blood pressure =hypertension
•-Headache =dolor de cabeza
•-A heart murmur = un soplo cardiaco
•-Stroke = atake isquémico
•-Shortness of breath =disnea
•-Shortness of breath on exertion = disnea al esfuerzo
•-Vomiting/ vomitus = vomitos
•-Nausea = nausea
•-Nauseated = con revoltura / fatiga.
•-Cold sweats = sudores frios
•-Chills = escalofrios
•-Double vision = vision doble
•-Blurred vision = vision borrosa
•-Faint = desmayo
•-Fainting spells =episodios de desmayos
•-Dizzy spells = episodios de vertigo, mareos
•-Light- headed =mareado
•-Loss of consciousness = perdida de conciencia / conocimiento
•-Unconsciousness = inconciencia
•-Spots in front of your eyes = vision de candelilla
•-Convulsions = seizures = convulsiones
•- To get / be out of breath =faltarle el aire a alguien
•- Trouble climbing stairs = dificultades subiendo las escaleras
•- Swelling of the ankles = Ankle oedema= pedal oedema = edema del tobillo o
•-Overweight = obese = sobre peso, gordo,obeso
•-Tense = tenso, estresado
•-Chest pain = dolor en el pecho
•-Nervous = nervioso
•- Burning on urination = ardor al orinar
•- Cloudy or bloody urine= orina turbia o con sangre
•- Fever= fiebre
•-Cyanosis = cianosis
•- Gallop rythm = ritmo de galope.
•- Palpitations = palpitaciones
•Clubbing of the fingers = dedos en forma d palillo de tambor.
•-Orthopnea = sleeping on many pillows =ortopnea
•-PND (Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea) , get up at night to catch your breath=
- Disnea paroxistica nocturna, levantarse a tomar aire de noche.
•- Asymptomatic = Sin ssiíntomas = asintomático
Vital Signs = signos vitales
B/P (Blood pressure) = presión arterial (low =baja, normal, high =alta,
within normal limits = dentro de los límites normales)
R (Respiration) = respiración (normal, slow = lenta, etc)
P (Pulse) = pulso (regular, irregular, delayed =demorado, absent =
T (Temperature) =temperatura (high = alta, low = baja, normal)
Common symptoms and sings = síntomas y signos comunes
Cough = tos
Information about cough to determine its cause:
•-How long it’s been present. = Desde cuando la tiene?
•-What time of the day it occurs. = A qué hora del día aparece?
•-Which factors- such as: cold air, posture, talking, breathlessness, hoarseness,
dizziness or other symptoms affect. = Qué factores, tales como: aire frío,
postura, habla, falta de aire, roquera, mareo u otro síntoma influyen.
•-Whether it brings up sputum (scanty, abundant); productive cough, dry
cough, hacking and unrelenting cough. Si hay producción de flema o no.
(Poco, abundante); tos húmeda o productiva, tos ceca, tos fuerte y constante.
Sputum = Phlegm = esputo
•-Yellowish, green or brown appearance may point at bacterial infection. =
Esputo verde amarillento apunta a una infección bacteriana.
•-Clear, white or watery may indicate a virus, allergy or irritant may be
present. = Esputo claro. Blanco o aguado puede indicar que un virus, alergia
o irritante están presentes.
•- Shortness of breath = breathlessness = short of breath = dyspnoea = falta de
•-Chills = escalofríos
•- Shaking chills = temblores
•- Chest pain = dolor en el pecho
•-Cyanosis (bluish discoloration) = cianosis
•-Haemoptysis (coughing up blood) = hemoptisis
•-Respiratory failure = insuficiencia respiratoria
•-Fever = fiebre
•-Weight loss = perdida de peso
•- Stiff neck = rigides nucal
•- Headache = dolor de cabeza
•- Night sweats = sudoración nocturna
•-Diaforesis = sweating = sudoración
•-Tachypnea = taquipnea
•-Anxious = ansioso
•- Chest tightness= pecho apretado
•-Aches and pains = Dolores
•- Earache = dolor de oidos
•- Runny nose = rhinorrhea = agua por la nariz.
•-Epistaxis = blood through your nose = sangre por la nariz.
Other words related to this system:
•-Hypoxia = hypoxia
•-Anoxia = Anoxia
•-Apnoea= apnea
•- Breathe in / out = inspira / expira
•-Bronchoscope = broncoscopio
•-Carbon dioxide = Dióxido de carbono
•-Oxygen= oxígeno
•-Oxygenated = Oxigenado
•-Diaphagmatic = Diafragmático
•-Endotracheal = Endotraqueal
•-Hyperventilation = Hiperventilación
•- Intubation = Intubación
Most common signs and symptoms= signos y síntomas más communes:
•-Abdominal pain = dolor abdominal
•-Black bowel movements( melena =tar like stools = dark stools )= excrementos
oscuros = melena.
•-weak= débil
•-weakness= flojera, debilidad.
•-burning pain = dolor quemante, acidez
•-nausea = nausea
•- nauseated = mareado, con revoltura
•-vomiting = vomitus = vomitos
•-fatigue= fatiga, cansancio
•-loose stools = excrementos blandos, pastosos
•-vomit up blood = hematemesis = vomitos de sangre, hematemesis
•-bleeding (from varices0 = sangramiento (de las várices)
•- Brisk bleeding = sangramiento rápido y profuso)
•-Ache in the stomach = stomachache = dolor de estómago
•-Pass blood from de rectum = rectal bleeding = sangramiento rectal
•-Sandy-colored stools = stools light in color = excrementos color arena o de
color claro.
•-Dark urine = sort of tea = orina oscura, como tea
•-Feel sick = sentirse enferma /o
•-Cigarettes taste different = los cigarros saben diferente.
•-Eyes are yellowish = discoloured = sclerae are icteric = jaundice = los ojos
están amarillos
•-diarrhoea = diarrea
•-Constipation = estreñimiento
•-Stomach is swollen = ascites = distended abdomen = protuberant abdomen=
fluid in the abdomen=abdomen aumentado de volumen por acitis.
•-A bout of hematemesis = An episode of ……= un episodio o crisis de
•- Loss of appetite = poor appetite = anorexia = inapetencia
•-Headache = dolor de cabeza
• -Regurgitation= regurgitación
•-Asterixis= flpping tremor= temblor de las manos
•-Confusion from encephalopathy = confusión por encefalopatía
•-Portal hypertensión = Hipertensión portal
•-Itching= pruritos= picazón
There are different signs and symptoms that appear in different diseases.
•Anorexia: falta de apetito
•Anxiety: ansiedad
•Blurred vision: visión borrosa
•Burning on urination: ardor al orinar
•Chest tightness: opresión en el pecho
•Chills: escalofrios
•Constipation: estreñimiento
•Cough: tos
•Cyanosis: cianosis
•Dippling: depresión de la piel.
•Discharge: secreción
•Dizziness: mareo
•Dribbling: goteo
•Dyspnea:falta de aire,disnea
•Dysuria: dificultad al orinar
Epistaxis: sangramiento por la nariz
Fever: fiebre
Flashing lights: vision de candelilla
Flattering: compresión
Hair growth: crecimiento del pelo
Headaches: dolor de cabeza
Heart burn: acidez
Hematuria:sangre en la orina
Hesitancy: retardo involuntario para orinar.
High blood pressureHBP:hipertensión
Hoarseness: ronquera
Lacrimation: lagrimeo
Nasal congestion: cogestión nasal
Nausea: nausea
Nipple withdrawal: retracción del pezón
Nocturia: orinar mucho por la noche
Numbness: entumecimiento
Pain: dolor

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