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Introduction to

What is Psychology…?

 According to McDoughall (1905)-

(In psychology) says that, “psychology may be best and most
apprehensively defined as the positive science of the conduct of living creatures’.

 In simple words:
The mental characteristics or attitude of a person or
Psychology as a Science

 It has scientific processes.

 It accepted theories as product of research :
Making observations
Defining a problem
Proposing a hypothesis
Collection of data and Analysis
Building a theory
What is critical thinking in psychology:

1. Few truths transcend the need for logical analysis and empirical testing.
2. Critical thinkers often wonder what it would take to show that a truth is false.
3. Authority or claimed expertise does not automatically make an idea true or false.
( Predictions)
4. Judging the quality of evidence is crucial.
5. Critical thinking always requires open mind.
What kinds of data do psychologist
1. Self-Report data:
Information that is provided by participants about their own thoughts ,
emotions or behavior on a question or during an interview.
2. Observational data:
Data that come from watching participants and recording their behavior.
3. Physiological data:
Data that come from participants physiological process (including measures
of the brain and heart , muscles and the production of hormone )
Self-Report Data

When we ask people to answer them, we are gathering self-report data, and it is
probably the most common form of data collection that psychologist use.
How can we get this type of data?
Observational Data:

It can be Naturalistic or Structured observation.

1. Naturalistic observation:
Observing behavior as it unfolds in natural settings.
2. Structural observation:
Observing behavior in situation that have been set up by the

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