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Controlling in Islamic Management

• Concept al-Riqabah= monitor, observe, control

•  Al- Riqabah derived from the awareness of personal responsibility towards
•  Controlling can be divided: Internal Control (personal) & External control ( peers
and society)
• Patience (saber) is one of the best way of personal control.
Saber and Its meaning are mentioned in Qur'an about 144 times.
Controlling in Islamic Management

• Internal (Personal) control associated with concept muraqabah and muhasabah

• Muraqabah- take care of his spiritual heart and acquires knowledge about it, its
surroundings, and its creator- towards achieving taqwa
• Muhasabah- personal auditing

• Internal audit
• Abstaining oneself from committing with any crime or sin.
controlling in Islamic Management

• External Control- any collective way of keeping order.

Society, government and organization
• Society: Associated with concept wasiyah (advise)
• “Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and
(join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy”
Controlling in Islamic Management

• Government
Law, investigation, Hisbah (classical way of keeping everything in order within the
laws of Allah through religious police)

• Organization
Peer review, meeting , complaint
Motivation is Islam

Motivation: Drives to action.

Sources of Motivation:
Quran (reciting and understanding)
Sunnah (reading and understanding)
cultural heritage (observing and thinking)
Good companions ( following advice)
Allah’s creation (thinking)  
Motivation is Islam

Improving motivation of Muslim are:

• spirituality :
In Islam, spiritual dimensions reflect the fundamental principles
of Iman (faith), Taqwa (Islamic piety), Tawbah (repentance) and Ihsan.
Motivation is Islam

Justice must be observed by all Muslims, at all times, in all their activities
Allah says: O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice (Quran, 4:135).

punishment and reward:

Fear of punishment and getting a possible reward act as a better motivating force
for Muslim.

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