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Description of weather and

clothes: Summer

It is the hottest season of the year.

During this time the days are longer,
the sun shines in a blue sky and the
trees are full of leaves. It is the best
time to go to the beach, to cool off in
the sea or the pool!
Description of weather and
clothes: Spring

the sun shines a little stronger and the

days are getting longer and longer. In
this season, the flowers begin to
appear as temperatures rise. It is also
a time that can come loaded with
rains and blizzards.
Description of weather and
clothes: Autumn

the duration of daylight is getting

shorter and the leaves begin to peel
off the trees. It is also at this time that
temperatures begin to drop to give
way to winter. Autumn is considered
the ideal harvest season.
Description of weather and
clothes: Winter

Daylight lasts very little so days are

shorter and nights are longer. In some
places it is common for snow in this
season, while in other more tropical
places it is the rainy season.

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