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My Neighbor

My neighbor, being well- to-do

Bought years a go a lot and house
And built high walls as if to say
“All interlopers here, keep out”

It’s true thieves jimmy doors and snitch

What usable lie strewn about
So it is right my neighbor blocks
Suspect intrusion to his house

Now all the urchins shy, the cold tall gate

That guards the ripe fruit from their slings
Still I can’t keep my curiosity
To trespass slyly with a peek
So know how each lush flower- bed
Is sprayed by hoses in the sun
And guess when roses scent the air
Or drop their petals on the ground

I know too that my neighbor’s girl

Who strains beneath her yaya’s hand
Looks longingly beyond the gate
Where my boys tumble in the sun.

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