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Lecture 4

A form of letter
Usually exchanged internally by
employee as they conduct their work
Originally were used only in hard copy
However, it is replaced by email’s.
Still, they are a part of many
companies communication
Memorandum Form

Can be distinguised from other messages primarily by

their form
Some companies have their stationary printed while
many use standardized or customized templates.
The word Memorandum appears at the top while
sometimes the word is replaced by Interoffice memo or
Interoffice communication.
Below this the main heading come the specific heading
common to all memos: DATE, TO, FROM, SUBJECT.
Department, Plant, Location, Territory, Store numbers are
also used in case Large organizations.
No Salutation
Has no complimentary closings
Writer does not need to sign the message
He or she needs only to initial after the typed name in
the heading
Single spaced with double spacing between paragraphs
Formality adaptation: Which is appropriate to your
audience and writing goals

What is email ?
It also presents communication challenges.
Using email to avoid face to face or phone
conversations – which is not a good way of
communication goals.
It can be forwarded- therefore, confidentiality??
Mass email and Spam’s- Not related to their work.
Email can be costly if not used properly.
“An organization lost $4200 in a year due to email’s
that were written poorly.”

TO: This is where you include the email address of the recipients. It
has to be accurate.
Cc: It is called ‘Courtesy copy’. Before people used computers, it was
called ‘Carbon Copy’ to reflect the practice of making copies on
carbon paper.
Bcc: It is called ‘Blind Courtesy Copy’. The recipients message will
now show this information; that is, he or she will not know who else in
receiving the copy of the message.
Subject: Include a subject line to get your readers attention and
indicate the topic of the message. If it is not properly done, reader may
think the message is Junk mail or unimportant and might delete it.
Attachments: Attach only files the reader needs so that you don’t take
up unneeded space in his or her inbox.
Email: The message:

The message: Typically, it begins with recipient’s name.

Reader’s first name can be used if you are acquainted
If you would normally address the reader by using a
title (Ms, Dr, Mr.), address him or her this way in an
initial email.
Salutation can be changed in subsequent messages if
the person indicates that informality is desired.
 Commonly used salutations are (Dear Mr. X, Dear X).
But something less formal is Hi X
No salutation is also common
Email: The message:

The message: Typically, it begins with recipient’s name.

Reader’s first name can be used if you are acquainted
If you would normally address the reader by using a
title (Ms, Dr, Mr.), address him or her this way in an
initial email.
Salutation can be changed in subsequent messages if
the person indicates that informality is desired.
 Commonly used salutations are (Dear Mr. X, Dear X).
But something less formal is Hi X
No salutation is also common
Email: The message:

A friendly general greeting such as “GREETINGS” is

appropriate when it is to be sent to a group of people
Ends with a complimentary close.
Signature is added containing writer’s name, job title,
company and contact information.
Some uses the signature to promote a sale, product or
Email Formality

3 Approaches: Casual, Informal, and Formal.

Casual: The language we use in talking with close friends
in everyday situation. It includes slang, colloquialisms
(Informal expressions), Contractions (I’m, We’ll) and
personal pronouns. Sentences are sometimes short and
incomplete. May use initialisms freely (LOL, BTW, ASAP).

Hey Cindy,
Just got back from reps meeting. We totally nailed it…Plan
due ASAP. Meet, my office, 1 PM, Wed?
Email Formality

Informal: Retains some of the quality of casual writing. It

makes some use of personal pronoun and contractions. It has
the effect of conversation but is a polished conversation- Not
Chitchat. Sentences are short and well structured. It is the
language that book uses. You should use it in most of your
business email messages, specially when writing to people you
know only on a business basis
The management team has approved our plan. They were very cordial;.
As you predicted, they want a special plan for the large accounts.
They want it as soon as possible. So let’s get together to work on it,
Can we meet Wednesday,1 PM., my office?
Email Formality

Formal: Maintains greater distance between writer

and reader than an informal style. It avoids personal
references and contractions. Sentences are well
structured and organized. It is appropriate to use in
email messages resembling formal reports, in
messages to people of higher status, and to people not
known to the writer.

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