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Introduction to Macro Economy
The Explanation
 Viking’s (Sea Rider’s) was the first world explorer.
They charted new places by sea.
 The Viking Age is the period from the late 8th
century to the mid-11th century in
European history, especially Northern European
and Scandinavian history, following the
Germanic Iron Age. It is the period of history when
Scandinavian Norsemen explored Europe by its
seas and rivers for trade, raids, colonization and
The Map
Place they sacked/raid
 They burned down monastery at Lindusfarne
 Sacked the city of york
 Forced the king of wessex to gave them land and money
 The siege of Paris, capital city of Frankia, the viking made king Charles (grandson of
Emperor Charlemagne) to pay tribute to the viking’s and giving the northern land of
frankia to them so they leave Paris forever.
Reason’s why…
 Scandinavia (Viking's land) is not very suitable for
farming, constant war to conquer more land between
chieftain made the population drop, their natural
resources is limited.
 They needed a new land where they can farm in
peace without war
 They need gold, silver, money so that their clan could
reign in Scandinavia (no one absolute king yet)
 Need slave’s to work their farmland/fishing
After finding new land…
 They found wealth surpassing their imagination
 They found many places where the land is suitable
for farming
 They found things that they never see, items they
never use, people’s with different language and
 Is there any resemblance of method in today modern
 What do you think the main reason they went out
exploring the sea?
 If you were to be the jarl (chieftain) of one from many
clan of Vikings', what road do you choose?
Unification of your homeland? Raid another place to
found wealth to improve your clan life, or go to trade
with new people in new place you found…
 Answer with min. word count of 250 words

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