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ตัวอยา่ งการเขียนทอ่ นนำ (INTRODUCTION) ในเอสเส

ทอ่ นนำประกอบดว้ ย 1 ประโยคเกริ่ น (introductory sentences)

2 ประโยคแสดงประเด็น (thesis statement)
= age
It is the groom's parents, after agreeing on their son's choice of wife, who approach the
bride's parents for the marriage proposal which, literally, is asking for a daughter. If the bride's
parents agree, then the two sides negotiate the Sin Sod or a dowry. If the dowry negotiation is
settled, the couple are engaged, usually with a certain amount of money as a down payment
for the dowry and a precious item, usually a gold ring or necklace. The date of wedding is
scheduled to take place not long after that, typically within a month. The wedding ceremony is
held at the bride's house. For the couple who have had their bridal house built, the ceremony
can be organized there. It is a tradition that the bride's parents pay for the arrangement of the
ceremony and food for guests. On the wedding day, usually in the morning, the groom and his
parents count the dowry in the presence of the bride's sides and then give it her parents. The
groom gives the bride a ring and then the newlyweds salute the senior relatives and give them
items of appreciation. In case Buddhist monks are invited to attend the ceremony, the couple
are blessed and anointed by the senior monk. The couple seated together joined by a holy
thread then receive Nam Sang or holy water in a shell from the respective guests who while
pouring the water on their hands bless them a happy and prosperous life. The final phase of
the event is seen in the guests enjoying lavish food and drinks.

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