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"A3 Troubleshooting

Panama university
Presented by: Jhonny Ordoñez Erazo
I.D: EC-43-12800
The engineer has the function of solving problems and uses many
tools and methods, among many of the methodologies used in
many areas of engineering is A3, which is a tool that helps to
solve problems and aspire to continuous improvement in an
organization , This presentation will explain what this
methodology is about.
"A3 Troubleshooting
A3 lean is a method recognized worldwide for its
enormous effectiveness, both for solving
problems and for aspiring to continuous
improvement in an organization. Late deliveries
of orders, product defects, unhappy customers,
non-compliance with KPIs, are problems that
could be solved thanks to this method.
Furthermore, the visual
representation of data and
information facilitates
communication between all those
While there is no firmly established
format for the A3 report, it typically
contains the following sections:

• Background.
• Current situation.
• Improvement objectives.
• Analysis of the causes.
• Improvement actions.
• Action plan.
• Results monitoring.
Example of
implementation of tool

All engineers regardless of their area of ​application have something in

common and that is to carry out processes, projects that solve problems
or make improvements. Engineers have many tools to document the
projects they execute, among which A3 stands out, due to its ease of
application and its great contribution in facilitating communication
between all those involved in the project to be executed, it is expected
that this presentation will serve to carry out solutions to the problems
faced by engineers in their field as professionals.

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