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What factors would constrain the use of standardised

sales promotion campaigns for a multinational enterprise in
international markets?
 Culture difference
• Culture influences how people perceive the signals and symbols in promotional
activities, and the things they prefer and dislike, which in turn affects the way
information is developed and the media that multinational companies should
• Muhammad Ali is immensely popular in the Middle East. One of the car
manufacturers used Muhammad Ali in its ad campaign for the region. The ad theme
was, ‘I am the greatest’. The ad backfired and offended the Muslims who regard
only the God was great.
 Languages
• Translation from one language to another language is crucial in international
advertising. Due to cultural factors, the literal translation of multinational companies
may not be able to convey the required information in various countries/regions.
• Pepsi used the German translation of the slogan ‘come alive with Pepsi’ in its ad campaign
in West Germany. However, the slogan when translated in German actually meant ‘come
out of the grave with Pepsi’ and failed to generate any market response from the

 Government regulations
• The regulatory framework of a country influences the advertisement strategy in the
international market.
• Portuguese law prohibits sex discrimination or the subordination or objectification of
women in advertising.

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