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How to delegate tasks

• Choose a task. Delegate what you can’t do, and what doesn’t interest
• Pick the best person. Give the work to people who deliver and whom
you trust. Not to those people who are the least busy or family
• Give a clear assignment. Begin with the end in mind and specify the
desired results. Support it with a short, but concrete instructions with a
deadline and milestones for feedback-loops.
• Delegate responsibility and authority. Not just the task. Managers who
fail to delegate responsibility in addition to specific tasks eventually find
themselves reporting to their subordinates and doing some of the work,
rather than vice versa.
Transmission of Zika virus

• Mosquito. Zika is primarily spread by the female Aedes

aegypti mosquito, which is active mostly in the daytime. The mosquitos
must feed on blood in order to lay eggs.
• Sexual. Zika can be transmitted from men and women to their sexual
partners; most known cases involve transmission from symptomatic men
to women. As of April 2016, sexual transmission of Zika has been
documented in 6 countries: Argentina, Chile, France, Italy, New Zealand,
and the United States/
• Pregnancy. The Zika virus can spread by vertical (or "mother-to-child")
transmission, during pregnancy or at delivery.
• Laboratory exposure. There has been 1 reported case of laboratory
exposure in the US.

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