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Baby Blues Sybdrome

Giving birth is special moment for all woman in the world. Having a baby such as we find something
priceless and also like get the most beautiful present. But besides happiness that we got, there is a feeling that
can make us sad, angry, and emotional. It happened because when we giving birth, there are million emotions
felt by mother.
But, for several woman the symptoms of emotions that are felt do not fully lead to happiness. Having a
baby is a very happy feeling. But, some woman do not felt this feeling early in pregnancy. This condition is
widely known as the “ baby blues syndrom”.
Baby blues syndrome is an emotional feeling felt by some mothers where they have sad feelings on the day
after their baby is born and that is very normal. If women after giving birth they are feels easily crying, irritable,
and a little depressed, chances are the mother has baby blues syndrome.
Not all of the mothers experiencing this. It is estimated that as many as 50%-80% women who giving birth to had the
baby blues.
Symptom of the baby blues:
Mother’s cried without reason;
Mother’s easy toi fed up;
Mother’s easy to tired;
Mother’s not self confident;
Mother’s easy to offended;
Mother’s difficult break;
The impact, mother’s not attention in the baby
This syndrome cause due to the rise of hormone that gave more effect to mom’s emotional condition. No
wonder, woman can’t control this alteration. Generally, baby blues syndrome appeared at first day until 14 days
after giving birth, and the worst condition at 3 until 4 days after giving birth. Remember, this is a normal
condition so, mom not to worry about this. But, if this situation happened more than 2 weeks, mom must did a
consultation with the doctor to get a solution.

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