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Training to be a better

What are your Current Abilities as a
 What level do you pitch at?

 What is your sitting fastball velocity?

 What is your max velocity?

 Examples

 During the 2021 spring season, my goal is to be one of the

best pitchers in my league

 A more measurable goal is to sit at 87-89 while

occasionally touching 90 or higher
What do you think it is going to
A bigger and stronger body
What does that stronger body
consist of?
 “Sturdier” lower half (glutes, hamstrings, quads)

 “Resilient” posterior chain (upper and lower back

 An even balance in strength and power in both sides of the
upper body
Specific lifts that you need to get
better at
 Front Squat

 Various deadlift variations

 Pullups and chinups

 All sorts of lunge variations

 Various push up variations including unilateral

Other lifts that will benefit your
 Rowing variations

 Back Squat

 Pressing variations

 Biceps, Triceps and Forearms

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