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 Sociable
 Peaches like „large talk” with people they don’t know
 They are easy to get to know
 Peaches show lots of enthusiasm and explicit engagement with other people
 It is important to show them that you have an interest in them , that you value them
 Examples of peach countries: USA, Japan, Brazil

 „Task-oriented”
 A very thin layer layer of private self is exposed at work
 Work is work and personal is personal
 For coconuts it is much more professional to remain reserved, focused and serious
 Coconuts do not spend too much time inquiring into people’s lives with small talk
 It takes time to crack through the hard coconutty shell and enter the truly personal word
 Examples of coconut counties: Germany, France , Russia

 Coconuts might see peaches as:

superficial or hypocritical
overly friendly or having hidden agenda
not following through on initial friendliness
 Peaches might see coconuts as:
arrogant or hostile
3 tips for coconuts communicating with those who have a peach culture

 Be prepared to answer small talk questions with „headlines” rather than in-depth
responses : „My trip was great, I toured the city and visited museums, and the food was
 Ask questions that spark easy conversation: „ Have you read any good books/seen any
good movies lately?” „What kind of food do you like to eat?”
 Spend some Energy getting to know local trends so you can bring these topics up
in conversation, i.e. „Did you see the Warriors game?”
3 tips for peaches comminicating with coconuts

 Practice observation to learn which questions and topics of conversation are

considered appropriate. Observe what times and places it’s acceptable to build
personal connections (e.g. building an effective working relationship may require
socializing outside of work hours).
 Wait to ask personal questions until others bring up the topic themselves.
 Adjust expectations for how long it might take to establish a relationship. Be
patient with relationships and invest time in building trust and rapport.

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