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What is language ?

 The method of human communication,

either spoken or written, consisting of
the use of words in a structured and
conventional way.
 what is language?
 ELT Meanings.
 History of ELT.
 Principles of learning a language.
 Methods.
 Approaches.
 Techniques.
Principles of learning a language
Cognitive principle
Meaningfull learning.
Stratigic investment.
Affective principles
Self confidence .
Risk –Taking.
Language-culture connection.
 Linguistic principles .
Native langugage effects.
Elt Methods
• Method :
A method is the practical realization of an approach. Methods
include various procedures and techniques as part of their
standard fare.
Grammar translation method.
Directed method.
The Audio –lingual method.
The communicative language teaching approach.
Grammar taranslation method
Grammer translation method
• “A method of foreign or second language
teaching which makes use of translation
and grammar study as the main teaching
and learning activities”
• Back ground.
In 19 th century it began to be used to
teach “modern” Language such as French ,
German and English and it is still used in
some coutries like today
Language and learning theory
• Learning theory:
• Deductive learning is essentials. First teacher gives rules
explicitly then the rules are reinforced with examples and
• Language theory.
• Language is for uderstanding the literature. Translation is the
way to learn the language . Oral communication is not
primarily important. Written language is superior to spoken
language. Students also learn the structure of their own native
Characteristics of GTM

1. Classes are taught in the mother tongue, with little active

use of the target language.
2. Reading of difficult classical texts is begun early.
3. Often the only drills are exercises in translating disconnected
sentences from the target language into the mother tongue.
4. Little or no attention is given to pronunciation.
5. Long, elaborate explanations of the intricacies of grammar
are given.
Objectives of GMT
• To be able to read literature written in the target language .

• To be able to translate from one language to another .

• To develop reading and writing skills .

• Translation of a literary passage
• Reading comprehension questions
• Anonyms and synonyms
• Fill in the blanks
• Memorization
• Use words in sentences
• Composition
Direct method of ELT

“Teach the language not about

the language no translation, no
use of native language”
DM of ELt
Charaechtaristics of DM
New teaching points were taught through modelling and
Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration,
objects, pictures; Abstract vocabulary was taught through
association of ideas.
Both speech and listening comprehension were taught;
Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasizez.
Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded
progression organized around questions-and-answer
exchanges between teachers and students in small intensive
Grammar was taught inductively;
Audio lingual method
• Founded around 1950’s and 1960’s,AL was based on
“structural linguistics “ and “behavioral psychology”

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