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Ancient Olympic Games

Historical Background
 sports was no means a
Greek invention. There were
hunting as a means
skill, of of developing
preparing for
gods. and a placating the angry
The Greeks
apparently interest
(n`';) dates in sports
back to
vaulting, age.
boxing,Tumbling, bull
were all and distance
popular running
entertainment) displays
in the or
(3000 Civilization
B.C.-1200 B.C). of crete
of the Greekof this
city concept
states many
to organise
festivals, the most major
famous athletic
that held at Olympia,
of the God Zeus. in honour

Way of honoring their gods.

 A religious celebration on honor of Zeus.
“Strength and Beauty are the gift of Zeus.
 The Isthmos Games were staged every two years at
the Isthmos of Corinth.
The Pythian Games took place every four years near
During the Olympic Games, which
were were held from 776 B.C. to
A.D. 393, all fighting stopped. No
matter how long, every soldier in
the battlefield put down his
weapons and traveled to Olympia
to compete in or watch athletic
games designed to honor Zeus and
the other Greek gods.
The winner of the first Olympic in
776 B.C was coroebus , an army
Significance of ancient Olympic Games
The honour of God Zeaus since the games were the
greatest religious festival in the life of the Greeks.
Messengers (heralds) were send sufficiently in
every part of the World to announce the
forthcoming Olympic festival. This month during
which the game were held, was considered to be a
sacred month.
Any wars or disputes that might we taking place
among the city states would be stopped at once and
truce would be declared.
All competitors and visitors travelling to or from
Olympic moved freely without any fear, since any
harm done to any one of them was considered to
an act of sacrilege given to the religious festival.
 The very fact the hostile city states met together
at Olympia in healthy and peaceful rivalry even in
times of war, was itself a true indication of the
remarkable influence, the Olympic festival had on
peace the ancient Greeks.
Rules of eligibility for competition
1- The participants should be free born
2- The amateurs were allowed to participate.
3- The competitions must have at least 10
months of training prior to their
participation in their Olympic, the last and
final month being spent at Olympic under the
control of the official judges of games.
Conduct of ancient games
1- Assembly- Before the start of the games the competitors, their
trainers (coaches), their father, their brother and the judges
assembled in the council house in front of the statue if Zeus.
2- Sacrifice- A pig was sacrificed to Zeus.
3- Oath- The competitors took an oath that they would not help to
any unfair to secure victory. Also they took oath they had ten
months of training as per Olympic rule and regulation.
4- March Past- The march past tool place in which the trumpter,
officials and competitors participated.
At the time march past, as the competitors passed by the herald
(announcer, commentator) announced to the spectators the name of
each competitior, his father name and his city and asked whether any
one had any charge to make against him. The silence on the part of
the spectators was considered as “ No Objection” for the concerned

5- Opening Ceremony- The herald announced/ declared/
proclaimed the opening of the game. The chief judge or some
distinguished person addressed the participants. Afterwards the event
were conducted. The sacred fire was kept burning perceptually (without
stopping / nonstop) at the altar of Zeus.
6- Events- Originally race was the only item in Ancient Olympics and it

was conducted in a single day. Later on other events such as horse race,
pentathlon, boxing, etc. Because of the addition of more events from time
to time the duration of the game was extended to five days.

The first day was devoted to Religious sacrifice and Oath taking
ceremonies. No events of the competition was held.

On the second day, there was the march past, the introduction of the
competitors to the spectators, and the opening games.
Decline and termination of Olympic Games
The Olympic game continued for several
centuries. When Greek come under Roman
domination, it was found that the lost the original
significance/glory, professionalism, corruption and
foul play set in.
The Roman Emperor Theodosis 1 passed a decree
and terminated the game in the year 394 A.D.
In the history, we trace the glories past of the
Ancient Olympic which lasted for nearly 12
centuries in which 293 Olympic game were
Modern Olympics
The Modern Olympic flag of five linked
rings, each with a primary color used in
nnnknthe flags of the nations
competing in the games, was
introduced in 1908.
The idea of the Olympic torch or Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals are
Olympic Flame was first
inaugurated in the 1928 Olympic
awarded to winners of each event.
Games in Amsterdam. There was
no torch relay in the ancient

Modern Olympic Games

Olympic Games.

is made by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Modern Olympic Games
Before the revival of modern Olympic games the
Educationists and other dignitaries of the developed
countries began realizing the value of sports
activities in one’s life and extending its contribution
towards the international community.
During the period which is considered a link
between the dim past and uncertain future of sports
competition, a great theologian, (/keZfoKkuh) Martin
Luther observed that a strong body could help
the mind. He also spoke about the recreative and
moral value of sports.
Revival of modern Olympic games
Historians may dispute (fookn) the novelty of idea.
Over the centuries, some Greek village had
continued to hold what were described the
Olympic contest.
It is on historical record that two Olympic games
were organized by the Greek and Evangelos
Zappas (a Greek living in Romania)in 1859 and
1870 but they were unsuccessful their mission. But
before his death, Zappas donated lot of the
money to re-establish the Olympic game in Greek.
However, the scope of wealthy Baron Piere de Coubertin

(1863-1897) plans. The germ of the de coubertin ideas was
conceived when he was twenty three, but at first at moved
consciously, fearing that such an ambitious project would
arouse both hostility.
After seven years of preparation, a congress was called at

Paries in the 1893, under the council of French Athletic
sports club. The organisers being the Baron and his friend Mr.
C. Herbert, Secretary of the British Armature Athletic
The prime objective of the was top secret, the reason for

meeting being (1) the defense of amateur sports against the
evil of professionalism and (2) The clarification of the rules
governing amateur status.
In june 1894, another International Athletics congress
was held in Paris, with wider representations. Again
much time was given to technicalities such as, the
definition of an amateur , reason for suspension,
disqualification and re-qualification.
The Baron accepted the Greek tradition the game were
in a sense, a religious rite to religion being found not in
the scarifies made by the athlete at the Altar of Zeaus,
but rather in spiritual preparedness, an inner feeling of
devotion to an ideal greater than the athlete himself, as
expressed in the Olympic Oath. “ Dishonor would not
lie in defeat , but in failure to take part.”
The game also a potential for the promotion of
social peace. Baron firmly opined that the game
could break down barriers not only between
classes, but also between nations.
The artist in the Baron insisted that the game
should become a true festival, with ceremonies of
oath, hosting flags, and worthy opening and
closing ceremonies. Even the design of grounds
should make its contribution to the beauty of the
public display.
 As the ancient site at Olympia was not suitable to conduct the
game therefor, the first of the revived the game was held in
Athens in 1896. The sponsor of the modern Olympic hard-
pressed for money.
 The Greek government gave about 2 and half lakh. Even this
amount was not enough. Fortunately one George Averoff, a
merchant of Alexandra gave a princely gift on a ten million
drachmae for renovating the Pan Athletic Stadium and
conducting the game.
 Only a few countries took part in this first Modern Olympic
games. As year passed by, several countries began to participate
in the games. At present almost all the nations of the world
compete in these games.
 Modern Olympic is also held once in four years but during the
two world war the Olympic games 6th, 12th, 13th respectively in
year 1916, 1940 and 1944 were not held.
International Olympic Committee
International Olympic Committee
President Jacques Rogge
International Olympic Committee President
Thomas Bach
International Olympic Committee
 International Olympic Committee is the supreme controlling body
for the modern Olympic games which was formed during the
international Athletics Congress held in Paris on June 25th,
1894. The first committee was nominated by Baron de Coubertin on
his personal selection of fifteen member in whom he had
confidence that they help in fostering the Olympic ideals.
 The I.O.C. is a permanent and self elected body which has at least
one member from a country where there is a National Olympic
Committee. However, the countries that have had once conducted
Olympic Games or have made a special contribution to Olympic
Movement have privilege to be represented by two members.
 From India, Sir darabji Tata in 1920, Mr. G. D. Sondhi in 1932 and
Raja Bhalindera Singh in 1947, had the honour of being member of
Functions of IOC
The I.O.C. selects sites and fixes the dates for
Olympic Games. The honor of allotment of site
always goes to the city to host the game not to
the country. (2012- City-London, Country-
United Kingdom, 2016- City- Rio de Janeiro,
Country-  Brazil.)
It draws the rule and regulations, for the
competition, and programme for the Olympic.
However the technical aspect of a sport is left
to International Federation concerned.
Organization and Conduct of Games
Olympic cycle and duration. The Olympic
games should be held in the first year of the
Olympiad. (An interval of four years between
celebrations of the Olympic Games, by which the
ancient Greeks reckoned dates).
 As it has been happened during the two world
wars in 1916, 1940 and 1944. The duration of the
games shall not exceed a period of 16 days.
Rules of Eligibility for Competition
 The first Olympic Games at Athens in 1896 were merely
experimental. The main objective was to give the movement a start.
There were no hard and fast rules. There was no Olympic village.
Game as Paris in 1900 and those at St. Louis in 1904 were no
different. It was only in Olympiad held in 1908 in London that the
rules were given a definite direction.
 1. One who is by birth (native) belonging to a participate country.
 2. One who has competed already in the Olympic games for a
nation, cannot compete in future Olympic games for another nation
except in the case of captured country or the creation of a new state
confirmed by the Treaty.
 3. Every competitor must be an Amature (A player who plays a game
for the love of it not for money)
 4. There is no age limit for competitor.
 5. There is no bar on either sex to compete in the Olympic. However,
in some of the sport events the women are not allowed, due to some
other technical reason.
Venue for Olympic Games
The venue will be fixed by a majority of votes among of
votes among the member of International Olympic
Committee taking into consideration the claims made by
the cities to stage the game.
The decision of the IOC about the venue is conveyed to
the concerned National Olympic Committee through the
Mayor of the City to which games are allotted.
The National Olympic Committee of the concerned
country will take the responsibility for organizing and the
conducting the games. A high power organizing
committee is constituted which will look after all kind of
activity related with the Olympic Games being organized.
The events are fixed by the Organizing Committee
is suggestion with International Olympic
The approval of the events must be obtained at
least two years before the start of the games.
Once approved the programme cannot be changed.
The sports recognized for the Olympics are
athletics gymnastics, boxing, fencing, shooting,
cycling, swimming, horse riding, basketball,
volleyball, handball, weightlifting, shooting,
hockey events.
As far as possible medals are awarded
immediately after the event is over. When the
results are announced the three position
holders are called to the victory stand. The first
place winner will stand in the center at a higher
level. The second place winner will be on his right
and the third place winner on his left.
The winners will face the Tribune of Honor and
received their medals and certificates either from
the President of the I.O.C. or his representative
authorised by him.
The national flag of the winner will be hoisted to
the tune of the National Anthem of the winner’s
Gold, Bronze and Silver medals along with
certificates are awarded to the competitors who
has secured 1st, 2nd, 3rd place respectively, and those
competitors who have secured 4th, 5th, 6th place in
each event are awarded only certificates.
Closing ceremony of Olympic Games
Closing ceremony of Olympic Games
Closing ceremony of Olympic Games is quite but
impressive, through it is on a smaller scale then the
Opening ceremony. The flags and banners bearers
intermingle with each other, forgetting theirs color, caste,
and nationality. They march into the stadium and
assemble in the center of the field.
Three flags are then hoisted: First the Greek flag to
the tune of the Greek National Anthem, second the host
country’s flag with its national anthem, and third the
next country’s flag (Where the next Olympic Will be
held) with that country’s National anthem.
After completing the above mentioned procedure
the president of the I.O.C. will express his
gratitude to the organizers. He will then declare
the game closed and will call upon the youth of
various countries to assemble again after four
years at the next venue of game.
Immediately after his declaration the ceremonial
Olympic flags will be handed over the Mayor of
the city. He is responsible for keeping the flag
safely till the next Olympic Games. The trumpets
will be sounded, the Olympic Flame will be put off.
Canoe slalom (
The Olympic Flag
The Olympic Flag

The are two kinds of flags used by the International Olympic Committee
as mentioned below:

1- The Olympic flag.

2- The ceremonial Olympic Flag.

The Olympic flag

1- This Olympic flag is based on a model designed by Baron de Cubertin
in 1914. It was first hoisted in 1920 at Antwerp (Belgium) Olympic.

2- It is made of white silk. In the center of the flag there are five
interlocked rings in the spirit of friendship in different five colours. The
colours are blue, yellow, black, green and red. (Blue for Europe, Yellow
for Asia, Black for Africa, Green for Australia and Red for America)

3- The five rings are arranged in the shape of a “W”.
Below the ring appear the Olympic Motto “CITIUS, ALTIUS,
FORTIUS” Which means “ Faster, Higher and stronger”.
4- Below the ring appear the Olympic Motto “CITIUS,
ALTIUS, FORTIUS” Which means “ Faster, Higher
and stronger”.
5- The rings and motto combined constitute the
Olympic Emblem(प्रतीक-चिह्न), which is the exclusive
property of the international Olympic Committee.
6- The Olympic Emblem cannot be used by
commercial concerns as trade mark or for any business
7- Only this flag is hoisted during the Olympic Games.
The ceremonial Olympic Flag
1- This Flag is made by silk.
2- This is bordered with five colour of the rings
representing five continents.
3- The colour are blue, yellow, black, green and
4- This flag not in use of hoisting purpose.
5- This flag is handed over to mayor of the city by
the President of the International Committee at
the time of closing ceremony.
Olympic Torch
Olympic Torch
The Olympic game are full of ceremonies such as
marching, flag raising, medal giving, anthem playing and
the most dramatic is lighting and carrying Olympic
The torch is used to the light of Olympic flame, which
burns throughout the games. The flame dates backs to
the 1928 Olympics. The founder of Modern Olympic
games, Baron Pierre de Coubertin was too ill to go to
Amsterdam ( The Netherland) Olympic games. So he sent
message to the athlete, and all others taking part. In his
message, he urged them to ‘keep alive the flame of the
revived Olympic spirit’
The Torch ceremony was introduced during Berlin (German)
Olympic held in 1936. The special torch is lit by the rays of sun
at Olympia, in Greece, where the Ancient Olympic Games were
This Torched is carried and relayed on foot as far as possible by
the runners until it is finally taken to the city where the games
are to be conducted.
On its way, the particular country through which it passes
through shall arrange for the relay of runners to bear the torch.
Often, the torch has to be taken abroad ship/ plane to cross the
The identify of the runners who has the honor of carrying the
torch into the stadium and lighting the flame is kept secret.
Difference and Similarities in the ancient and
Modern Olympics
1- The Ancient Olympic were held only at Olympia in Greece.

The Modern Olympic games are held at different cities of the

2- In Ancient Olympic Games, Oath was taken by all

competitors, their trainers, their father, their brother and
judges infront of the statue of “god zeaus” in the council
In Modern Olympic Games, an athlete (the captain) leading

takes the oath on behave of the competitors of all nation
participating in front of the Tribune of honors at the Olympic
3- In Ancient Olympic Games – The competitors who wish to

participate in Ancient Olympic Games must be free born
The competitors who wish to participate in Modern Olympic

games shall be naturally born of member country.
4- To begin with the married women were not allowed even

the witness of the games. Later on they were allowed not only
to witness but also to participate in the games.
In the Modern Olympic, officially women were never banned

to participate but they started taking part 1900 onwards.

5- In Ancient Olympic Games – The men and boys were
allowed to participate in competition in naked form.
In Modern Olympic Games competitors have to wear a
proper uniform as rules of a particular sports.
6- The Ancient Olympic Games were a religious festival
for the Greeks being held in honor of god Zeus.
The Modern Olympic Games are an international sports
 7- Sacred fire were burning continuously in the temple
of god Zeus at Olympia.
The Olympic flame is lit and kept burning at the stadium
till the close of games.
8- An Ancient Olympic Games were held to develop and maintain unity

among the Greeks.
The Modern Olympic are held to understanding and brotherhood

international community.
9- An Ancient Olympic Games were conducted 5 Days.

The Modern Olympic games were conducted 16 days.

10- An Ancient Olympic Games only individual events conducted.

An Modern Olympic Games individual and team sports events conducted.

11- In Ancient Olympic Games the winners were crowned with sacred olive

In the Modern Olympic games the winners holders are awarded medals and

Canoe slalom (
Giant Olympic Rings in Kew Gardens
Olympic Image
These are the sports at
the Olympic Games.

Do you know all of


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