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• Potensi diri amat berkait rapat dengan

kekuatan atau bakat yang ada pada
seseorang individu.
• Sifatnya sangat eksklusif dan hanya unik
kepada individu tersebut.
• As the Chinese strategist Sun Tzu said, "Know the enemy
and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred Battles
without defeat.“
• How do we understand and recognize our uniqueness?
•  You will need to know what your interest is. We are
often interested in some certain things, but have no
interest in the rest.
• However, when you are interested in certain things does
not mean you can do it well, also not necessarily means
you can be successful in doing that. For example, some
people often like to read, but it does not mean they can be
become a writer.
• Therefore, we need to have clear idea of our interest.
• If you don't know what your own interests is, you may
consider trying more things and follow your heart. 

1. Who has the most siblings?

2. How many boys or girls?

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