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GK questions

Let’s get started AVADHESH TRIPATHI

Q.1 The apex of heart formed by?

a) Left ventricle

b) Right ventricle

c) Right atrium

d) Left atrium

The Apex part is

located on the
midclavicular line, in
the fifth intercostal
space. It is formed by LV

left ventricle.
The base of heart, is
formed by both atria.
Q. 2 Total numbers of spinal nerves?

a) 31

b) 62

c) 33

d) 66
Spinal nerves are peripheral nerves that
arise from spinal cord:
In human there are 31 pairs: Total 62
8 cervical,
12 thoracic,
5 lumber,
5 sacral &
coccygeal 1

Q.3 Which of the bone have most of Red bone marrow?

a) Femur

b) Sternum

c) Humerus

d) Patella

Red bone marrow is found mainly in flat bones, such

as the Hip bone, sternum( maximum), skull, ribs,
vertebrae, and shoulder blades,
Also in metaphyseal ends and epiphyseal ends of the
long bones e.g. femur, tibia & humerus
Q.4 Which of the following vitamin is soluble in water?

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin K

d) Vitamin D
Q.5 Most common cause of maternal morbidity in INDIA?

a) Abortion

b) Hemorrhage

c) Sepsis

d) All of the above


50-90% of maternal deaths due to-

Hypertensive disorder
Ruptured uterus
50% due to Sepsis related to illegal induced abortion
Q.6 The main function of kidney is?

a) Eliminate oxygen

b) Regulate fluid balance and removing waste

c) Metabolize vitamins

d) Eliminate carbon dioxide

Explanation:- A WET BED
A Acid- Base balance
W Water balance
E Electrolytes balance
T Toxin removal
Blood pressure control
Erythropoietin production
D Vitamin- D metabolism
Q. 7 Destruction of Alveolar walls is called?

a) Emphyma

b) Bronchitis

c) Emphysema

d) Lung abscess
Risk factors:-
Smoking : 80-90%
Explanation:- Genetic : alpha- 1 antitrypsin deficiency
Emphysema is a type of COPD
Pollen- Air pollution
Characterized by: Infection
•Overdistenstion of alveoli
•Destruction of alveoli Barrel Shape chest
•Decreased elasticity of alveoli Anterio-posterior diameter is almost
Also known as Pink puffer due to equal to transverse diameter
continue Barrel chest in
Normal chestuse of facial muscles
Q.8 “Psychoanalytic theory” was developed by?

a) Jacobson

b) Sigmund Freud

c) Franklin

d) Aristotle
Psychoanalytic theory [Sigmund Freud ]:- theory of personality organization

ID:- Pleasure principle driven by internal & basic drives and needs
( hunger, thirst drive for sex etc.)

Ego:- reality principle work to balance Id & super ego,

Super ego:- Moral principle act in connection with higher thought & actions.
Judging, sense of wrong & right,
Q.9 Which complication of IV infusion can
cause pulmonary edema or heart failure?

a) Infiltration
b) Circulatory overload
c) Infection
d) Pyrogenic reactions

Complications of IV infusion:-
•Phlebitis – inflammation of veins
•Extravasations- IV fluid leak in tissue surrounding vein ( burning
sensation/ swelling)
•Air embolism
•Circulatory overload often cause pulmonary edema & heart failure
Q.10 . The ‘P’ wave on electrocardiogram represents?

a) Atrial depolarization

b) Atrial repolarization

c) Ventricle depolarization

d) Ventricle repolarization
QRS complex
Explanation:- Depolarization of
ventricles, triggers
P-Wave main pumping
Depolarization of atria contraction
In response to SA node
triggering ST Segment
Beginning of ventricle

PR interval T wave
Delay of AV node Ventricular
to allow filling of repolarization
Q.11. Another name of Vitamin B1?

a) Niacin

b) Thiamine

c) Riboflavin

d) Pyridoxin
Q. 12. Which valve prevents backward flow of blood on to
left atrium?

a) Aortic valve

b) Pulmonary valve

c) Tricuspid valve

d) Mitral valve

Q. 13. The GOAL management of glaucoma is ?

a) Only to increase inflow of aqueous humor

b) Only to increase outflow of aqueous humor

c) Only to increase production of aqueous humor

d) All of the above

Management :- Decrease production of
•Beta adrenergic blockers:- Timolol aqueous humor
•Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors:- Dorzolamide,
methazolamide or acetazolamide Reduce IOP by increase
Cholinergic (miotics):- Pilocarpine, carbacol outflow of aqueous
Prostaglandin analogs:- Latanoprost humor

Surgical management:-
•Agon laser trabeculoplasty
•Laser iriditomy
Q.14. Repeated urination while sleeping, even after five
years of age is called?

a) Tic

b) Enuresis

c) Stuttering

d) Encopresis
Involuntary voiding of urine at least TWO NIGHTS per months beyond the age of
5 YEARS, without any congenital or acquired defects in urination tract.
General treatment Pharmacotherapy:-
Avoid excessive fluids • Desmopresin:- DDAVP( D- amino D-arginine
Empty bladder at bed time vasopressin)
Motivational therapy Reduce nocturnal urine output to volume
Alarm therapy lower than functional bladder capacity

• Anticholinergics:- Oxybutenin Chloride

it increase bladder capacity & reduce
frequency of contraction

• Tricyclic antidepressants:- Imipramine

Q.15. Retina in eyes act as a?

a) Lens in camera

b) Shutter in the camera

c) Film in the camera

d) None of these

Retina located near the OPTIC nerve.

•Retina receive the light the lens has focused ,
•Convert the light into neural signals
•Send signals to brain for visual recognition
Q.16. EPS (Extra- Pyramidal Symptoms) are side effects of
following drug ?

a) Antimanics

b) Antipsychotics

c) Antidepressants

d) Anti- parkinsonians drug

Akathesia:- feeling of muscle quivering, restlessness NMS ( neurolaptic
most common EPS (50%) malignant Syndrome):-
Also known as walkie- talkie High fever, muscular rigidity,
altered mental status
Tardive dyskinesia:- repetitive involuntry movemnts Rarest EPS & Fatal
Such as grimacing and eye blinking
irreversible Parkinsonism:- tremors,
Acute dystonia :- involuntary contraction of muscles
Rigidity and postural
of the extremities, face, neck, abdomen pelvis or
Opisthotonus body
Q. 18. Male sterilization is also known as?

a) Tubectomy

b) Vasectomy

c) Salphinectomy

d) Orchidectomy

Vasectomy :- is a surgical procedure

for male sterilization/ permanent
The male vas deferens are cut and
tied or sealed so as to prevent
sperm from entering into the
urethra .
Q.19. Ankylosing spondylitis is disease that affects the ?

a) Brain cells

b) Kidney

c) Spinal column

d) None of these
Ankylosing spondylitis is the inflammation in spinal bones or vertebrae.
Results in hunched- forward posture
Q.19.In eye donation which part of Donor’s eye is utilized?

a) Iris

b) Lens

c) Cornea

d) Retina
Q.20. benzodiazepines reduce anxiety by acting on which

a) Serotonin

b) Nor adrenaline


d) Dopamine

GABA:- Gamma- Amino butyric acid,

Inhibitory neurotransmitter
Reduce neuronal Excitability in nervous system
It controls function such as motor, vision etc.

Lack of GABA results in epilepsy, seizures, mood disorders

Too much GABA results in hypersomina or day time sleepiness

General knowledge
Q.1. world health day is celebrated on?

a) April 7

b) June 5

c) March 12

d) December 1
Q.2. Who has written the book “Arthashastra”?

a) Patanjali

b) Kautilya

c) Vishakhadatta

d) Vishnu Gupt
Q.3. A computer program which translates one program instructions at a time
into machine language is called?

a) CPU

b) Compiler

c) Simulator

d) Interpreter
Q.4.Who is the current defense minister of INDIA?

a) Arun jaitly

b) Monohar Parrikar

c) Rajnath singh

d) Nirmala Sitharaman
Q.5. Mangalyan-1[Mars Orbiter Misson] was launched on ?

a) 5 December 2014

b) 5 November 2013

c) 3 September 2012

d) 10 December 2015
Q .6. Medical termination of pregnancy (Amendment) bill, 2020, in
special categories of women, increases the upper limit of gestational
weeks of legal abortion?

a) 20 weeks

b) 24 weeks

c) 30 weeks

d) 18 weeks
Medical termination of pregnancy (Amendment) bill,
• Was passed by Lok Sabha on March 17,2020
• To increase upper limit of gestational weeks
of legal abortion.
• For incest( human sexual victim by family members), rape
survivors, minor girls & differently abled girls.
Q.7. Founder of “Germ theory of disease” ?

a) Alexander flaming

b) Hippocrates

c) Louis Pasture

d) William Harvey
Q.8. where is “Ooty” in India ?

a) Tamil Nadu

b) Odisha

c) Madhya Pradesh

d) Utterakhand
Q.9. Which state was mostly affected by Cyclone Amphan ?

a) Kerala

b) Tamil Nadu

c) West Bengal

d) Maharashtra
Cyclone Amphan
• 20th may 2020,
• Highest winds 240-260 km/hr
• Mainly affected West Bengal & Bangladesh
• Fatalities :- 128
Q.10. “Dribble” term used in ?

a) Hockey

b) Football

c) Basketball

d) All of above

Dribbling means having a ball with you without loosing its control
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