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Friday 17th July 2020

LO: I can write fast paced narrative containing a
flashback sequence
The flashback has been included near the end so the reader thinks that the
character is about to die because he sees his life flash before his eyes. It is a
fantastic way to add description and suspense and you can use this as a
model to magpie ideas for how your story ends

Today, you are going to finish writing your narrative

Rewatch the film to remind yourself of the main events. Remember
to follow your story plan and add in that rich description. Make
sure to include:

● Setting description using senses (similes and metaphors!)

● Character description using expanded noun phrases
● DADWAVERS to vary sentence openers and describe the
action in the 4 main scenes
● Show don’t tell to describe your character's emotions
● A flashback sequence
● Use a mixture of long and short sentences, using punctuation
and repetition for effect
Make sure that you have included all the features in the previous
slide in your writing so far and finish your story. Remember you
can use the example as a model (this is also included as a Google

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