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Global Warming

Lamia Akter Muskan
ID: ENG 071 07709
What is Global Warming?

• Global warning is the long -term heating

of earth's climate system observe since
the pre-industrial period due to human
activities, fuel burning which increases
atmosphere. Now I will talk about the side
effect of global warming :
Causes of Global Warming:

• Variations in the Sun's Intensity

• Desertification.
• Industrial Activity
• Earth's Own Feedback Loop
• Rising sea levels (shore retreat).
• Burning fossil fuels
Contributors of Global Warming
Global Warming effects are:

1. Hotter days.
2. Rising sea levels.
3. More frequent and intense extreme weather
4. Oceans are warming and acidifying.
5. Damage corals.
6. Less snow and ice..
The Argument:

• Human causes:
In its 2013 fifth assessment report, the IPCC stated in its
summary for policymakers that it is “extremely likely that
more than half of the observed increase in global
average surface temperature” from 1951 to 2010 was
caused by human activity. By “extremely likely”, it meant
that there was between a 95% and 100% probability that
more than half of modern warming was due to humans.
The Argument: (cont..)

• Natural causes:
Some claim the sun is getting hotter. Also, the
earth goes through natural cycles of climate
Who is responsible??

• Most scientists blame industrialization.

• Automotive industry
• Oil companies
• Power plants
• Logging industry
• Modern equipments like Refrigerators, AC etc.
Who is affected by Global Warming?

There are:
• Health Impacts
• Economic Impacts
• Impacts on wilderness
• Impacts on natural resources
• Impacts on Species and Ecosystem
How to prevent it?

• As stated earlier, it might be

challenging but it is not
entirely impossible. Global
warming can be stopped
when combined efforts are put
in. For that, individuals and
governments, both have to
take steps towards achieving
it. We must begin with the
reduction of greenhouse gas.

• Global warming can be stopped by a joint effort

by the individuals and the government.
Deforestation must be banned and trees should
be planted more. The use of automobiles must
be limited and recycling must be encouraged..
Thank You!

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