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How to evict a problem Tenant

in 3 steps
Landlord’s Guide

By Julie Condliffe
Eviction Lawyer in London
Step 1

Serve notice of your intent to evict

Give the tenant notice in writing that you are demanding that they leave
the property and pay any outstanding or arrears rent within the prescribed
legal timescales.
Step 2

Take the matter to court

If the problem tenant refuses to leave or fails to pay their arrears, make
the initial filings with the court to take matters further. Typically, this
includes obtaining a court order for the eviction and payment of rent
Step 3

If your tenant refuses to comply with the court orders in step 2, our
lawyers will instruct bailiffs who can legally remove them by force. It
may also be possible for the bailiffs to seize some or all of the tenant’s
movable property, to offset the rent arrears owed.
Contact Us for all your Eviction Related Matters

Julie Condliffe - Eviction Lawyer and lease option solicitor in London

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Address - 3 Magnolia Drive, Rushden, NN10 0XD

Telephone - 020 313 76 336

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