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Can function as noun or noun phrase in a

complex sentence and which begins with
conjunction that, an interrogative word or
conjunctions if/whether
1. That-Clause
• Examples
1. That all matters are made up of molecules,
atoms and other micro bodies has been
proven by scientists
2. We all know that everybody is always in
3. We all know for sure that if we toss our key
rings to the air, it will fall back to the ground.
2. Wh + Subject + Verb
• Examples
1. Our plan, when the experiment is conducted,
has not been approved yet
2. What Galileo really discovered about motion
was clarified by Isaac Newton with his law of
3. Matter’s resistance to a change in velocity is
what we call inertia.
• 1. Type 0: If… + present… + present
• Ex. If we heat iron, it expands
• 2. Type 1: If… + present… + will (modal base)
• Ex. If we heat water up to 1000 C, it will evaporate
• 3. Type 2: If… + past… + would (modal past form).
• Ex. If we used a larger amount of matter in our experiment, we
would conclude that mass really does not remain the same.
• 4. Type 3: If… + past perfect… + would + perfect
• Ex. If you had worked carefully, you would have found that all
the changes in mass that you observed were within the
experimental errors of your equipment
• 1. Write down an example of each type of the
above noun clauses

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