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By :

Vira Maghfirah (190211100195)

Nisrina Alfiatur R. (190211100201)

Abu Rizal Subeki (190211100204)

Abd. Cholik (190211100206)

Valid Mayyis I. (190211100231)

Ainur Rohmah W. (190211100233)

Keris is a traditional Indonesia weapon, in the developed
cultured, follows the course of history and has now spread
to other countries, like Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam,
Cambodia, Thailand, and on the island of Java. Keris
classified as a branch of Tosan Aji culture.
What makes the culture unique ?

 Treatment, Keris treatment in the Javanese tradition is carried out every year,
usually in the month of Muharram / Sura.
 Design, Consists of three main parts, namely the blade, marijuana, dan the
upstream of the Keris.
Where is culture exist ?

The use of Keris spread to people who had been affected by

Majapahit, such as Java, Madura, Nusa Southeast, Sumatra,
Kalimantan, Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines
(Mindanao). But the most common use of Keris is in Java.
Explain the history of that culture ?

History of Keris begins with the bells. This is identified as the first seal ever built
during the ancient period of Mataram, 8th to 10th century. Buda Keris thought to be the
first generation of clams.
Kris History continues. The kingdom of the Majapahit continued after to make the
Keris. During the Hayam Wuruk’s government with the Gadjah Mada as Mahapatih,
the Keris culture spread to Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Philippines, and
Many historians consider the time of the Mataram Islam empire, to represent the era
in which coral titling was made in Java. In those days, the Keris developed very well.
Why do you think the culture still exist
until now ?

The shape is distinctive and easily distinguished from other sharp weapons because
it is not symmetrical in the widening base, often the winding blades, and many of
them have prestige, which is visible fibers of bright metal layers on the blade
Kris is considered as an accessory, object in dressing, has a number of cultural
symbols, or is a collection object which is valued in terms of aesthetics.
How do you preserve the culture from
extinction ?

 Performing heirloom coral exhibition on the observance of certain days such as

the festival of suro or other cultural festival.
 Give a tutorial on how to care for coral
Any question ? No!
Ok, Thank you!

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