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What happened at Anna
Brown’s office?
It is 9 a.m. You enter your boss’s, Anna Brown’s
office. You see her blood on the floor. She is dead!
You look around the office, terrified.
Suddenly, you notice a cigarette butt on the

What is your conclusion?

You look around the office. Suddenly, you see a
smashed mobile on the desk.

What’s your conclusion?

You look around the office. Suddenly, you see a
torn photograph under the desk.

What’s your conclusion?

You look around the office. Suddenly, you see a
plane ticket to Bali with today’s date.

What’s your conclusion?

You look around the office. Suddenly, you see
an empty wallet under the window.

What’s your conclusion?

You look around the office. Suddenly, you see
an empty bottle of wine in the trash bin.

What’s your conclusion?

Do you now know who killed Anna Brown?
Do you now know who killed Anna Brown?
Anna had had a big fight with her fiance about their upcoming holiday in Bali the
evening before. She went to her office where she drank and smoked heavily. She
was extremely upset so she destroyed the photograph of her and her fiance that
she used to keep on her desk.

At some point, she tried to call him but she was too drunk to dial, dropped her
phone, and it smashed into pieces. She wanted to call a taxi to go back home when
she discovered she didn’t have any money in her wallet.

She decided to look for some spare change in her desk when she slipped, fell and
hit her head on the edge of her desk. Unfortunately, the blow to the head killed her

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