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Nama: Clarisa Bella ashari

Kelas: Xl.2 Ips

Tugas: Pengayaan Bahasa Iggris Wajib
1. Man : The bridge is broken. We can’t go to school.
Woman : What should we do?
Man : I cannot swim. We should go to the other way.
Woman : It will tiring, why should they take the other way?
A. They cannot swim
B. They do not know the way
C. They are tired
D. The bridge is broken
E. The water rises quickly
2. Women : Do you know someone who has been affried by a
Man: She is asri, she comes from aceh,for trusday , she and
her family are sato.
Woman: But here house was destroyed by the tsunami
Man: You’re right she lives wiyh her uncle now, with her to
What do we learn from is dialogue...
A. The women comes from aceh
B. The women lives with her uncle
C. Asri moved to a new house,
D. Asri was the victim of a tsunami
E. Asri lived with the men’s family
3. Man : you diongo to school yesterday what happenod?
Woman : my aut passad amay. Her day what hit ny a
big tres because of a storm.
Man : .................
wher is the most appropriate reoponso to say next.
a. I’m sorry to hear that
b. I’m so sad
c. How awfull
d. Don’t worry about it
e. I know that happend
4. Man : do you know my magazine?
woman: There did you put it?
man : right here
woman :....................
a. It must be stolen
b. It will be stolen
c. It can be stolen
d. It steals
e. It was stealing
1. What is the purpose of the text above?
2. Identify the general structure of the text above?
3. What tense does the text use?
4. Answer the following questione based on the text
a. Who introdued the tulip?
b. How many tulip are qultivated every year?
c. What is the classification based ori?

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