Modernity in Arts

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Modernity in filmmaking art

Modernity  the quality of being modern.

– Modern art represents an evolving set of ideas among a number of
and writers
who both individually and collectively sought new approaches to art

– 1-The Moving Image

– 2-The Silent Era
– 3-The Talkies
– 4-Editing
– 5-Technicolor
– 6-Changing Light
– 7-Other Factors
1-The Moving Image
From the 1830s , more and more people were finding ways to make still images appear to be moving. They all
used the scientific concept of …

2-The Silent Era
The Silent Era is marked as the birth of cinema when cinema was all about experimentation and pushing boundaries.
Named for its lack of sound, films from this era were in black and
white and some of them were filmed on as little as a single reel of tape
(averaging from a few minutes to just over an hour).
This period began with the invention of the
Cinématographe in 1895 by the Lumière Brothers.
This device recorded film stock and projected the footage on screen.

3-The Talkies
Once the first Vitaphone film with sound was released in 1927, everything changed.
Another thing that was mastered in the 1920s was editing, particularly by Sergei Eisenstein .
Technicolor was first introduced in 1932.
As technology advanced, computers were being used to create elements that didn’t
exist in the real world, allowing for a new kind of film: science fiction.
6-Changing Light
Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows: Part 1
7-Other Factors
Thank you!
Jeanne Karam

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