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Five Tips to Success

Work hard
Try more exercises and more practice
Do the labs and assignments yourself
Be patient with the machine
If you really need that, do it quietly ...

But not in Class. What

you have to do is just
inform me about your
situation and I will not
mark your absent.
What is C?

C is a programming language.
It was developed in 1972 USA.
It was designed and written by a man named dennis
C is the base for all computer languages like C++,
java etc.
Major parts of popular operating systems like
Windows, UNIX, Linux are still written in C.
Getting Started with C

Communicating with a computer involves speaking

the language the computer under stands.
As in learning of English language first we learn
English alphabets, which forms a word, words
combine to form a sentence and sentences forms a
Like English language we must have to learn
alphabets, numbers and symbols which are used in
Steps in learning English language



Steps in learning C

Alphabets, Digits, Special symbol

Constants, Variables, Keywords


The C character Set

A character denotes any alphabet, digit or special

symbol used to represent information.
Alphabets A,B,….,Y,Z

Digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
Special symbols ~`!#@%^&*
()_ -+=I{}[]:
Constants, Variables and Keywords

The alphabets, numbers and special symbols when

properly combine form constants ,variables and
Any entity that doesn`t change is called constant.
Any entity that may change is called variable.
X 3 X 5

3 is stored in a memory location and a name

X is given to it. we assign a new value 5 to the
same memory location X. So the location X can
Hold different values. 3 and 5 cannot change.
Types of C constants

C constants can be divided into two major

(a) Primary constants
(b) Secondary Constants
These are further categorized as

Constant C Constants Structure
Enum. etc.

Rules for constructing Integer constants

(a) An integer constant must have at least

one digit.
(b) It must not have a decimal point.
(c) It can be either positive or negative.
(d) If no sign precedes an integer constant, it is
assumed to be positive.
(e) No commas or blanks are allowed within an integer
(f) The allowable range for integer constants
is -32768 to 32767.
The range of integer constant depend upon the
compiler. for a 16-bit complier like Turbo C or
Turbo C++ the range is -32768 to 32767.
working with a 16-bit complier
Ex: 426
Rules for Constructing Real Constants

 Real constants are often called Floating Point

 It may be in fractional and Exponential form.
 Following rules must be followed for constructing
real constants expressed in fractional form:
(a)A real constant must have at least one digit.
(b) It must have a decimal point.
(c) It could be either positive or negative.
(d) Default sign is positive.
(e) No commas or blanks are allowed within
a real constants.
The exponential form of representation of real
constants is usually used if the value of the
constant is either too small or too large.
The real constant is represented in two parts . The
part appearing before “e” is called mantissa and the
part following “e” is called exponent.
0.000342 can be represented in exponential form
as 3.42e-4.
Following rules must be observed by constructing
constants expressed in exponential form:
(a) The mantissa part and the exponential
part should be separated by a letter e or E.
(b) The mantissa part may have a positive or negative
(c) Default sign of mantissa part is positive.
(d) The exponent must have at least one digit, must be
a positive or negative integer. Default sign is
(e) Range of real constants expressed in exponential
form is -3.4e38 to 3.4e38.
Ex: +3.2e-5
Rules for constructing Character Constants

(a) A character constant is a single alphabet, single digit or a

single special symbol enclosed within single inverted
commas. Both the inverted commas should point to the
left. For example `a` is a valid character constant
whereas `A` is not.
(b) The maximum length of a character constant can be 1
Ex: `A`
The End

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