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Cause and effect

1.A chair breaks when you sit

on it because it is made of a
weak material.
2.A chair breaks because you
jump on it.
3.A french fry is too hot when
you eat it so you burn your
Cause and effect

4.You eat breakfast because

you're hungry.
5.Because the car is fast in
running, it crush on the post.
Cause and effect

6. a forest may die because of shifts in

climate, weather events and a disease
with all playing a contributing role.
7.if you buy slippery shoes, wear
slippery shoes, it rains, you go for a
walk, you slip on wet pavement.
Cause and effect

8.When water is heated, the

molecules move quickly, therefore
the water boils
9.The moon has gravitational pull,
consequently the oceans have
10.Because of changes in

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