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Valentine’s Day is celebrated on

February 14th . It’s a holiday of

love and friendship in America.
Every February American people
celebrate Valentine's Day by
giving flowers, candy and cards
to those they love.

Valentine’s Day is the time to

to your parents, grandparents,
sisters and brothers, to your
relatives, teachers and friends.
Five valentines - to give away
Five valentines - for Valentines day.
"I love you" is what they say
I'll give one to my father today.
Four valentines - to give away
Four valentines - for Valentines day.
"I love you" is what they say
I'll give one to my ______ today.
Three valentines - to give away
Three valentines - for Valentines day.
"I love you" is what they say
I'll give one to my ______ today.
Two valentines - to give away
Two valentines - for Valentines day.
"I love you" is what they say
I'll give one to my ________ today.
One valentine - to give away
One valentine - for Valentines day.
"I love you" is what they say
I'll give one to my Friend today.
Love, Love, Love your Friends,
Love them all year long.
Especially on Valentine's Day,
As we sing this song!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.
Flowers are red,
The sky is blue,
Honey is sweet,
And so are you.
Ballons are red,
Ballons are blue,
Candies are sweet,
And so are you.
Oh, this Valentine song is for you!
I don't need crayons, scissors or some glue!
Yes, this little song I'll sing,
Hugs and kisses it will bring.
Oh, this little Valentine song is for you!
If you love me and you know it,
Clap your hands.
If you love me and you know it,
Clap your hands.
If you love me and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you love me and you know it,
Clap your hands.

Other Verses:
Say "I Love you"
Blow me a kiss
Give me a hug

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