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 Welcome
 to
 Learning Module 3
 Social Behavior
Module Learning Outcomes
After studying the module, you should be
able to:
1. demonstrate ability to behave appropriately
in a group; and
2. describe some anti-social behavior and how
to cope with them.
Can you explain the graphics below?
The graphics is about social psychology.

Social psychology is the study of how

people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
are influenced by the actual, imagined, or
implied presence of others.
How do you behave in a group?
Your behavior is called a social behavior.
What is social behavior?
Social behavior is a term used to describe
the general conduct exhibited by individuals within
a society, which is essentially in response to what
is determined acceptable by a person’s peer
group or avoiding behavior that is characterized
as unacceptable
While social conduct is often modeled to
create a comfortable social environment,
anti- social behavior such as aggression,
scape-goating, and group bullying may also
be defined as negative social behavior,
particularly in instances where other
individuals within a peer group all behave
What are some negative
social behavior?
Aggressive behavior is reactionary and
impulsive behavior that often results in
breaking household rules or the law;
aggressive behavior is violent and
unpredictable .

Source: Aggressive behavior clipart

Retrieved from on May 25,2018
Frustration is a response to conditions that keep
adolescents from achieving goals important to self-
esteem. Frustration and aggression are closely
associated. If they learn that being aggressive when
frustrated is tolerated or gives them special treatment,
the behavior is reinforced and may be repeated.
Aggression may be a way for adolescents to face
obstacles or solve problems. It is important not to
attribute malice to them who are responding to anxiety,
feelings of incompetence, or a
sense of low self-esteem.

Some adolescents are supersensitive, easily offended,

and quick to anger. Many of them are tense and
unusually active, even as children. They are often more
difficult to soothe and settle as babies. Beginning in the
preschool years, they are violent toward other children,
adults, and even animals. They often lash out suddenly,
sometimes for no obvious reason. When they hurt
someone in their anger, they tend not to be sorry and
may tend not to take responsibility for their actions.
Instead, they blame others for their own actions. Parent
should give this behavior serious attention
and take measures to correct it.

Source: Anger Clipart

Retrieved from on May 25, 2018
Bullying is abusive behavior aimed at intimidating and
manipulating through the use of physical violence. It also
entails the spreading of malicious rumors and gossip to
emotionally harm another person.

Victims of bullying are in a constant state of fear, regarding

their well being. Generally the forms of bullying we see in
school are physical, psychological, and verbal (or cyber).
Bullying can start as early as the pre-school years, so
aggressive behavior should be monitored as early as

Retrieved from on May 25. 2018

Physical bullying includes hitting, pushing,
choking, and kicking with the intent to do harm.
Psychological bullying consists of exclusion and
ostracizing an individual. Verbal or Cyber
bullying includes the use of the internet and cell
phones, through texting and e-mail to tease, taunt,
threaten, and intimidate. Girls generally use verbal
or cyber bullying.
Victims of bullying are quiet, shy, sensitive
individuals. They are harassed by their peers because
they are perceived to be different. This misguided
perception can be caused by anything from race or
religion to body shape and weight.
Those seeking negative attention are also victimized.
They may have irritating or annoying ways. At any rate,
they are passive and not physically aggressive, making
them attractive prey for the bully.
The bully validates a violent lifestyle and later
becomes an aggressive adult. Approximately
twenty-five per cent of bullies, acquire a criminal
record by the time they are between 25 and 30
years of age. Many bullies also, contemplate
What will protect students from acts of
Scapegoating is a hostile social - psychological
discrediting routine by which people move blame and
responsibility away from themselves and towards a
target person or group. It is also a practice by which
angry feelings and feelings of hostility may be
projected, via inappropriate accusation, towards
The target feels wrongly persecuted and receives
misplaced vilification, blame and criticism; he is likely to
suffer rejection from those who the perpetrator seeks to
influence. Scapegoating has a wide range of focus:
from "approved" enemies of very large groups of people
down to the scapegoating of individuals by other
individuals. Distortion is always a feature.
What then should be your behavior
in a group?
Normal behavior in young people depends
on the individual’s age, personality, and physical
and emotional development. Normal or "good"
behavior is usually determined by whether it's
socially, culturally, and developmentally
appropriate. A person's behavior may be a
problem if it doesn't match the expectations of
the family or if it is disruptive.
If you have some
concerns concerning the
module, please bring it
up with your professor in
the classroom for
clarifications and further
is e n d s the
s so n . Meet
l e
o n l in e next
time. Th

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