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Penaakulan Matematik

1 4
3 2
1 2 3
2 1
Fill in the grid so that the number 1 through 4 appear
in each row, column and 2x2 square only once.
7 3 2
8 4 1 9
8 2 1
9 8 7 5
2 8 4 1 6 3
1 5 6 9
5 3 8 9
9 2 1 4
7 5 6

Fill in the grid so that the number 1 through 9 appear in

each row, column and 3x3 square only once.
What subjects did they each pass?
Three siblings, Alice, Bob, and Carol, truthfully reported
their grades to their parents as follows:
Alice: If I passed math, then so did Bob.
I passed English if and only if Carol did.

Bob: If I passed math, then so did Alice.

Alice did not pass history.

Carol: Either Alice passed history or I did not pass it.

If Bob did not pass English, then neither did Alice

If each of the three passed at least one subject and each

subject was passed by at least one of the three, and if
Carol did not pass the same number of subjects as either of
her siblings, which subjects did they each pass?

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