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welcome to the international video game company below the terms and policies of the


 All content on these sites, including, without limitation, text, graphics, images, logos, audio or video clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software,
are the property of MCE GAMER or the content licensing providers and It is protected by the laws of the United Mexican States and other countries in addition
to international treaties. The compilation of all content on these sites is the property of MCE GAMER and is protected by the laws of the United Mexican States
and other countries in addition to international treaties. All other trademarks not owned by MCE GAMER that appear on these sites are the property of their
 If you use these sites, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of membership and account information, credit card information, user names,
passwords, and identifiers that may be required to use the site from time to time ("Information account ”) and to restrict access to your computer or other mobile
devices, and you agree that you are responsible for all activity that occurs under your account or with the use of your account information (including, without
limitation, names username and passwords).
 Under no circumstances, including, without limitation, negligence, will MCE GAMER (as defined above) be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special or
consequential damages resulting from the use of, or the inability to use, any MCE website. GAMER or the materials or features on such site, even if MCE
GAMER has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability or incidental or consequential
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 Estos Términos de Uso son efectivos hasta que sea terminado por cualquiera de las partes. Su acceso a todos y cada uno de los sitios web de
MCE GAMER podrá prescindirse de inmediato y sin previo aviso de nosotros a nuestra única discreción, si usted no cumple con cualquier
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terminar en cualquier momento, suspender el uso de todos los sitios web de MCE GAMER. Tras la terminación, usted deberá destruir todos los
materiales obtenidos de cualquier y todos los sitios además de toda la documentación relacionada y todas las copias e instalaciones de la
misma, si se hicieron bajo los términos de las presentes Términos y Condiciones de Uso o de otra manera.
 MCE GAMER ha hecho todo lo posible para mostrar el contenido de la tienda en línea con exactitud, pero las adiciones, supresiones y
cambios pueden ocurrir sin previo aviso. El contenido de la tienda en línea se proporciona “tal cual”, ni MCE GAMER ni sus representantes ni
subsidiarias hace ninguna representación o garantía con respecto a los contenidos.

 MCE GAMER, sus filiales y representantes niegan específicamente, a la mayor medida permitida por ley, cualquier y todas las garantías,
expresas o implícitas, relativas a la tienda en línea o su contenido, incluyendo pero no limitado a: las garantías implícitas de comerciabilidad,
exhaustividad, actualidad, exactitud, la inexistencia de infracción o adecuación.
project for a future in our international gamer company

 Name of the game locate protect and destroy the enemy

 This project for the future will do something great since there is fun you can talk with your friends through a
screen and enjoy their strategies in each fight
 The strategy of the game is that you do not let yourself die, there are ways to revive you and you must go with
your team of 10 players to win the game and give all your skills on the battlefield and if a friend is shot you must
go to save him so that they continue the battle and together as a team win and be the best
you want to be a real play
 To get started, you need to find a video game that you really like. There are a thousand types of games to choose from: fighting,
dancing, horror… find the category that is easiest for you to work with and that doesn't bother you to have to practice. Consider the
fact that you are going to dedicate many hours to it and that the more it pleases you, the better.
 Next, you must have the necessary resources to be able to develop yourself in the world of video games, that is; Have a computer (in
case you want to dedicate yourself to egames), or a video console (if you like more traditional games).
 As we told you at the beginning, being a gamer is not just about playing, you must also know the jargon of the sector and you have
the obligation to know the culture that makes up the world of video games (rules, customs, instructions ...).
 In addition, we recommend that you take advantage of the advice and lessons that other players can offer you since they can always
teach you something new to help you improve. Even if you play individually, it will be very beneficial for you to have friends within
the gamer community, not only to learn from them, but because you will end up adopting a way of life that allows you to grow in the
 Finally, we recommend that you do not obsess. Video games can be extremely addictive and if your only
objective is to improve it can become a vice, which would be a huge problem. The best thing is that you take
breaks every twenty minutes or thirty for every hour that you play so as not to suffer headaches or visual
damage and that you hydrate enough. You must not forget that at the end of the game, the video game is over
and that reality is totally different from what appears on your screen.

 Be patient, play a lot and become a true gamer!

economies of the company name company

Expenses on video games:Video games are a growing trend in the world. Fortnite and League of Legend are some
xamples of this as more and more users are joining. According to the Global Games report, carried out by Newzoo, in
Colombia this industry generated US $ 385 million in revenue during 2018 and was positioned as the fourth with the
highest income in the region.

Expenses in the application of data : A Sensor Tower report on mobile app data shows this is a constantly growing
ndustry. The estimated revenues from this sector show that only Candy Crush Saga generated US $ 945 million in 2018
nd added to the other titles of King, the game's producer, US $ 1,500 million are obtained, which represents an
xpenditure of US $ 4.2 million per day per share. of users worldwide.
economic statistics of the company

Tencent 4.641 función de los ingresos generados a nivel mundial

durante el segundo trimestre de 2019, en millones de
Sony 4.410
dólares estadounidenses. Tencent lideró la
Microsoft 3.391 clasificación mundial, seguida por Sony, cuyos
Apple 2.535 ingresos entre abril y junio del año referido
ascendieron a los 4.410 millones de dólares.
Activision Blizzard 2.131 Microsoft, en tercera posición, generó unos ingresos
Google 2.129 de algo menos de 3.400 millones de dólares en dicho
Nintendo 2.111
NetEase 1.694
EA 1.289
TakeTwo Interactive 1.249
 The company of video games COMPANY NAME, seeks to provide all people,
entertaining and fun video games for children, youth and adults.
 Offering excellent graphics quality, good performance, advanced gameplay, as
well as listening to the entire gamer community.
 hiring highly trained personnel in adequate customer service, facilities and
cutting edge technology.
 We want our company COMPANY NAME and our games to reach every part of
the country and the world, trying so that each person knows our services and
games for all ages without any restriction.
 Likewise, strengthening ourselves to create more games that the public likes,
making ourselves known as a reliable and safe company.

 Analyze our industry and others in the field of market, business and competition
based on the video gamer industries, sharing our best games with people around
the world and improving in each of these aspects, for better commercial
development and good quality for all our users.

 Analyze the theoretical concepts about the COMPANY NAME company in its
games for all ages and its costs.
 Implement good management in video games and their platform.
 Develop video games based on the opinions of people and developers.
 Learn about the games that can be found, their different gameplay and strengthen
Brayan Stiven Cortes Morales
Sebastián Ramírez Valencia
Santiago Peña Bastidas
Cristian Arévalo
Maicol David Gaitán Castañeda

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