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Arrange the following steps of the Scientific

Method into the correct order by placing a
number in the blank:
____ Analyze Data
____ Develop a list of Procedures
____ Form a Hypothesis
____ Collect Data
____ Develop the Research Question
____ Draw Conclusions
2. Based on the photograph, write down the
statement that is an observation.
A. The athlete Is thirsty from
a long practice.
B. The person is drinking
C. The person thinks
Gatorade is better than
any other sports drink.
D. It looks like it might
3. Which of the following is an observation

A. The piece of metal is red, so it must

be hot
B. The child’s block is orange.
C. The street is wet, so it must have
D. The table looks like it is made of
4. When you draw a conclusion or make an
assumption about an observation you are…?

A. Developing a hypothesis

B. Stating the research question
C. Analyzing an experiment
D. Making an inference.
5. Which of the following statements
include an inference?
A. The test has 50 questions, so it must
be difficult.
B. The piece of metal is red.
C. The thermometer shows that it is 86
degrees today.
D. The table is made of wood.

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