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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidence: Consolidation activity / Evidencia: Actividad de consolidación

Stage 1: “My visit to the fair” / Etapa 1: “Mi visita a la feria”

Look at the following images of Richard at the Frankfurt Auto Show and read his
descriptions. / Observe las siguientes imágenes de Richard en el Salón del Automóvil de
Frankfurt y lea sus descripciones.

Fuente: SENA
Now, based on the models given find your own images and write their descriptions. / Ahora, con
base en los modelos dados incluya sus propias imágenes y escriba sus descripciones.
[ Your fair ]
Image Description

My visit to Hawaii for the Hawaii

beach party was great. It took place
from December 24 to January 1 on the
beach in Hawaii. I arrived in Hawaii on
Tuesday December 22, two days
before the start of the event. I flew
from Colombia to the Honolulu
International Airport on Oahu. I really
enjoyed the flight.
[ Your fair ]
Image Description
I arrived at the beach in Hawaii on
Thursday, which was the first day of
the fair. There was music in the open
air and many visitors. I first visited the
volcano in Hawaii. There were several
visits to the different volcanoes that
are located in Hawaii. I enjoyed them
all. The place was full of people
because the volcanoes and the beach
in Hawaii were beautiful
[ Your fair ]
Image Description

A few days later, I attended an

electronic music party on the beach.
The djs and musicians exhibited
different music themes. This fair was
also very interesting. on the other
hand people danced and enjoyed the
[ Your fair ]
Image Description

Before the end of the show, I had

the opportunity to eat exotic
foods, swim at the beach, and
meet wonderful people. I
traveled with a group of visitors
to a stripy beach. We enjoyed
this beach and we felt very
relaxed and happy
[ Your fair ]
Image Description

Before leaving Hawaii, I had to try the local

native food. Modern Hawaiian cuisine is a fusion
of many cuisines brought to the Hawaiian
archipelago by immigrants of various ethnicities
such as shrimp and exotic drinks.
Other typical dishes of Hawaiian cuisine are:
Long rice with chicken: chicken cooked with
chicken broth, ginger, spring onion and long rice.
I tried these foods at the restaurant Estacion de
Hawaii, I enjoyed them with my friends.
Criterios de evaluación
• Describe experiencias pasadas teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical,
vocabulario y contexto requeridos.
• Usa los verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado simple con la estructura y el
vocabulario requeridos.
• Describe experiencias de vacaciones haciendo uso de la estructura gramatical,
vocabulario y contexto requeridos.
• Describe lugares, ciudades y personas con la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y
contexto requeridos.
• Compara lugares y objetos teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y
contexto requeridos.
• Expresa deberes y obligaciones, teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario
y contexto requeridos.
• Describe lugares, ciudades y países teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y contexto
• Usa las preposiciones de movimiento con la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.
• Describe los preparativos para un viaje teniendo en cuenta la estructura, el vocabulario y
contexto requeridos.

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