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Twenty Questions

for your oral examination.

English II
Twenty Questions
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
1. Say in English to activities that a
police officer does.

2. Say in English two activities that a teacher

 _____________________________
3.What time do you get up?

 _____________________________
4. Do you study to be a civil engineer?.

 ________________________________
5. Say in English: four parts of the face.
6. What
6. What part
part of
of the
the body
body do
do you
you use
use to
to smell?

 ____________________
7. What part of the body do you use to eat?

 ________________
8. What are you doing now?

 _____________________________
9. The opposites of empty and dry are:

 _____________ ___________
10. Comparison of equality: An antelope can
run 95 k/h and a cheetah can run 95 k/h.

 _______________________
11. Which is bigger Peru or Brazil?

 _____________________
12. Which one is more dangerous a dog
or a tiger?

 ______________
13. Comparison of equality: Brad Pitt is famous,
and Angelina Jolie is famous too.

 ______________
14. Make a comparative sentence using
the adjective large.

 ______________________
15. Use four adjectives to describe your
mobile phone

 _____________
16. Make a comparative sentence using
the adjective comfortable.

 _______________________
17. Make a superlative sentence using
the adjective important.

 __________________
18. What is the heaviest animal in the world?

 ___________________
19. Say in English four proper nouns.

 _____ ______ ______ _______

19. Why do you study English at the University?

 Because_________________
20. Say in English four uncountable nouns.

 _________ ______ _______ ________

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