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ECH 12: IF statements

Book: Microsoft Excel 2016 Data Analysis and Business Modeling

IF statement

 Syntax: IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

 Logical_test: anything that generates a Boolean value.
 E.g., comparison, function that generates a Boolean value, etc.
 Value_if_true: any value (number, string, date/time, etc.) to
print when the logical_test evaluates to TRUE.
 Examples
 If(a1> 20, “Good job”, “Do it again”)

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AND(), OR() and Truth Tables

 Syntax: and(logical_test1, logical_test2, …, logical_testn)

 Syntax: or(logical_test1, logical_test2, …, logical_testn)
 Examples:
 And(a1>=10, a1<=20)  10 ≤ a1 ≤ 20
 If( and(a1>=10, a1<=20), “Good job”, “Do it again”)
 Truth tables
 See discussion in class

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Nested IF Statement

 =IF(SalesAMT>10,IF(SalesAMT>50,IF(SalesAMT>100,0.1,0.05),0.03),0.02)

 What is the discount rate if SalesAMT is $25?

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 Task 1: write an IF statement in E3 to determine the

letter grade of E2. Use AND() or OR() in IF statement to
answer the question.

 Task 2: do the same thing as Task 1 without using AND()

and OR().

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Exercise – Nested IF Statement

 File: ifstatement.xlsx
 Task:

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Exercise – IFERROR()

 File: Errortrap.xlsx
 Syntax: IFERROR(value, value_if_error)
 Task: Replace all errors with (VNF).

 Note: The IFERROR() can be used on any error (#DIV/0,

#VALUE!, #NAME?, #NUM!, #REF! …). See the
Errortypes.xlsx file for what cause these errors.
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Error leads to Error
 Performing numeric calculations on cells containing
errors will most likely produce an error. (see E23).
 Task: replace all #N/A to empty strings
 Q: does the SUM function work after this?
 Syntax: AGGREGATE(function_num, options, array)
 Example:
 =AGGREGATE(1,6, E11:E16)  74.66667

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