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Daily Routines

Daily Routines
1. get… up 11. arrive…at school at…

2. get… dressed/ home 12. do… homework

3. have…breakfast / lunch/ dinner 13. do… the shopping

4. take… a shower / a bath 14. do… the dishes / sports
5. brush…my teeth/ my hair
… bus / taxi to…
15. takethe
the…house my bedroom
6. tidy
16. come back…home
7. go…to school/ home / to bed / work
17. surf… the internet
8. make…breakfast / lunch/ dinner 18. play…
on computer/ with…
9. make… my bed 19. watch…
TV/ my favorite program
10. leave…the house at…
20. visit…
my friend/ my grandparents
Daily Routines
brush do have go
the shopping breakfast to bed
up my teeth home
homework lunch
dressed my hair shopping
the dishes dinner
home to school
the housework on foot
tidy leave arrive
for a walk

my bedroom the house at… at school at…

make play take come back

my bed on computer a shower home
breakfast with… a bath
lunch computer games the bus / taxi to…
dinner visit watch
my friend TV
the internet
my grandparents my favorite program
Daily Routines-
in the morning WHEN?
in the afternoon Afterwards
in the evening Then
After that

always/usually/sometimes/ never/
often/ every day
Rita’s Daily Routine
I get __________ take a
at 7 o’clock, __________
shower to wake up, and ___________ dressed.
make my breakfast for me and my little
Then I _______
brother – a tuna sandwich and toast.
After that, Ibrush
________ my teeth and make
I _______
my bed and then leave for school, which starts at
8:00. take
I usually ________ the train, because it’s
than the bus. Lessons finish at 2 o’clock and I
do straight home.
_______ surf
I ________ my homework and then_______the
I __________ dinner at do 19:30.
Later I helpplay
my momon_____ the dishes .
gothat, I ____ ___ computer a little bit and then I
_______ to bed at 21.30.
Daily Routine
get up
Kate and Tom ________ take
up at 7 o’clock. They ________ a
dressed They _________
bath and then get ________. have breakfast at
home. The twins leave ___________
the house at 8 o’clock and
__________ go
to school on foot. Their parents _______to
arrive at school at about 8:30.
work by train. They __________
Their classes __________
start at half past eight every morning.
They always ____________ lunch in the
school canteen.
The twins are very good students. They finish classes at 2:30.
with has dancing lessons and Tom
After classes Kate sometimes
plays football outside _______ his friends. On Mondays they
have music lessons. They usually ___________ their watch
homework in the afternoon.
has Before dinner they ___________
TV. The family _________ go dinner at 7.30. After dinner they
_______ games and _________ to sleep at 9.30.
My Daily Routine- Homework
What do you do in the morning?
What do you in the evening? First
What do you do in the afternoon? Next
After that

always/usually/sometimes/ never/
often/ every day
Daily Routine
On weekdays my alarm clock rings at 6:30, I get up and
immediately I wake up my son, he gets dressed and has breakfast
while I take a shower, then I walk and feed the dog, my son goes to
school and I go to work, in the evening I cook something and my
son and I have dinner together, and we always watch The
Simpsons, then my son plays video games and after he takes a
shower while I walk the dog again, finally we go to bed around 10 to
start all over again tomorrow ……..
Daily Routine

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