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Prodi system information

class c/1
group three
Zulfan Iza Trenadia ( 4120074 )
Ahmad Misbakhul Rifki ( 4120063 )
Lutfi Febriyanti (4120033)
SKILL 3 & 4
A Present participles is the –ing form of the verb.
The present participle can be (1) part of the verb or
(2) an adjective. It is part of the verb when it is
accompanied by some form of the verb be. It is part of
the verb when it is accompanied by some form of the
verb be.
Examples that use verbs :
“The train is arriving at the stasion now”
In this sentence arriving is part of the verb
because it is accompanied by is. A present
participle is an adjactive when it is not
accompainied by some form of the verb be
Examples that use adjective :
“The train arriving at the stasion now Is an hour
In this sentence, a rriving is an adjective and not
part of the verb because it is not accompanied by
some form of be, the verb in this sentence is is.
A past paeticiple often ends in –ed, but there are also
many irreguler past participles. For mani verbs,
including ed verbs, the simple past and the past
participle are same and can be easily confused. The –
ed form the verb can be (1) the simple past, (2) the
past participle of a verb, or (3) an adjective.
Exemple verb
1. The mailman has left a letter in the mailbox.
2. The classes were taught by professor smith.
In the first sentence, the past participle left is
part of the verb because it is accompanied by has.
In the scond sentence, the past participle taught is
part of the verb because it is accompanied by were.
Exemple edjective
1. The letter left in the mailbox was for me.
2. The classes taught by professor smith were very
In the first sentence, left is an adjective rather
than a verb because is is not accompained by a
form of be or have (an there is a verb, was, later in
the sentence). In the second sentence, taught is an
adjective rather than a verb because it is not
accompained by a form of be or have ( and there is
a verb, were, later in the sentence.

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