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Learning Story

By Trevan H.J
Event #1- Traveling
Throughout my life time so far I have been quite blessed, because I have gotten to experience things other people may have not of, or
experienced a little of what I have. Which is traveling, I have been to Mexico, LA,Las Vegas, all over Europe, hawaii, and NY. Before the first
time I went on a vacation I thought that everyone got to experience this, But then later on down the road after I come back from around my
4th vacation I tell all of my friends about it and I find out most of them have never even been outside of BC, and that absolutely blew my
mind. And it made me feel almost sorry because there are so many beautiful things all over this world that I think everyone should see. Also
made me grateful to be able to see what I have seen, But I want to share this experience with others. And hopefully later on I’ll get to save up
alot of money with a group of friends and go see whatever they want to.

This is a photo of me in Las

Vegas This is the place I stayed at in Hawaii
Event #2- Basketball
I've been playing basketball for most of my life, and without I don't even know who I would be. I remember the first time my team
and I won a championship and It was one of the best days of my life. It taught me that working really hard and persevering is all worth it in the
end, that year and every year we’ve had to run lines after lines the whole practice to get us in shape for provincials. I remember wondering if
it's really worth it grinding so hard for something you might not even achieve, going through countless days where it feels as if you can't take
another step, But in the last game we played that season to try and get first place and then get handed that trophy was something that is
unforgettable. Basketball has taught me so much like teamwork, which is something you use everyday and something you need to get good at.
It taught me that hard work ethic pays off in the long run.
Event #3-Camping
I remember going camping every year with my dad, we would fish, set up camp fires and he would always tell stories, he taught me a
lot of stuff out there like how to gut a fish, how to set up tents, start a fire, etc. but a few thing s I really learned on my own was to appreciate
the land we walk on, before camping I never really cared for the land but I never really saw it’s true beauty. While I'm out camping I learned
independent skills that our very useful to have, like how to start a fire to keep yourself warm, and how to gather resources such as food and
others to survive out there on your own. I also learned to be thankful for what we have back home because it allows us to not collect firewood
or fish it's much more relaxing.
Who I am now
I am a helpful person who is full of energy all the time, who loves spending time and connecting with others. Overall I think the main
things that make me who I am is my family, they have always been around to help and guide me, I take the caring side from my grandma and
mother, and my patience from my dad. I just want to spread positivity to others because I believe everyone in this world has a right to be
happy no matter what. I spend lots of my time playing basketball which has taught me discipline, perseverance, work ethic, communication,
and teamwork. I always love making new friends because I'm a very social person and I think us working together is better than working alone.
Who I am Becoming
I want to keep all of the connections I have with teachers, coaches, friends, and family as I grow up, because they mean so much to
me. To me family is everything, I can't imagine what life would be like without them, that's why I hope to have one of my own so I can pass all
the great things I have learned from travelling, school, basketball, and camping to my children. I hope I can show my leadership %
communication skills one day by maybe owning my own company. I just want to be myself and more.

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