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Introducing Yourself

Introducing Your Friends

Andi Tilka Muftiah Ridjal

China A bow or nod
Hong Kong (older Clasp hands together at throat level and nod
India Palms together as though praying and bend or nod,
called Namaste
Indonesia Say salaam, which means peace and handshake
Japan Bow from the waist, palms on thighs, heels together
Korea A slight bow and handshake (right hand in one or both
Malaysia Both hands touch other person's hands, then are brought
back to the breast, called salame gesture

Philippines A limp handshake

Sri lanka Place palms together under chin and bow slightly

Thailand Place palms together, elbows down, and bow head

slightly, called Wai
In Malaysia people greet each
other by saying “Where are you
going?” Because it is not really a
question, the polite response is
“Just for a walk.”
You can call me
Annisa : Good morning, I am Annisa Mahfuza. You can
call me Chaca. I am a new Student. What is your name?
Syifa : Good morning, my name is Syifa Rezkia and I am
also a new student. You can call me Syifa.
Annisa : Well Syifa. Where do you come from?
Syifa : I am from Kapuas. How about you?
Annisa : I am from Samarinda. What is your department
in here?
Syifa : I am in Nursing Education, and you?
Annisa : I am in Nursing Department too. Nice to meet
Syifa : Nice to meet you too
Nice to meet you!
Syifa : Hello Icha, How are you?
Annisa : Hi, I am fine , Thanks. And you?
Syifa : I am very well thank you. What are you doing today?
Annisa : I want to donor my blood in auditorium, because Indonesian
Red Cross (PMI) organizes blood donor to students who want to blood
donor. Do you want to donor your blood?
Syifa : Really? Actually, I have to go now. Maybe next time I will go.
Annisa : Yes. This is my friend, Eka.
Eka : Good afternoon Syifa. My name is Eka. Nice to meet you.
Syifa : Good afternoon Eka. Nice to meet you too.
Annisa : Great. She is my best friend since Junior High school. She is
also in Nursing Department. Now, we are classmates.
Syifa : Really? Do you want to go right now?
Eka : Yes, we do.
Syifa : All right. I also have to go now. See you later.
Annisa : See you
Complete this conversation
Reva : Good morning Raya. How . . . you?
Raya : Good morning. . . . . . ., How about you?
Reva : . . . . . ..! Don’t you know our university will organize a
blood donation camp with the help of Indonesian Red Cross
Raya :I am interested in donating my blood. Do you want to
donor your blood?
Reva : Yes, . . . . . It is a kind of good social service. We save the
lives of many persons.
Raya : Do you donate two bottles?
Reva : Yes I do. How about you?
Raya : You . . . great. I just one bottle.
Reva : That’s right. Lets donor the blood together.
Raya : OK. What the date and time they held?
Reva : The camp will be held on 25th from 9am to 4pm.
Greeting Expression (Formal)

Good morning Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
How are you? - I am fine, thank you
- I am very well, thank
- I am not bad
How do you do? Not very well, thank you
Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too
Greeting Expression (Informal)

Morning Morning
Hello Hello/Hi
What’s up? Just fine, thank you
How is it going? Just fine, thanks
Good to see you Good to see you too

In this section you will learn about :

1.To be
and 2.To do
To be and Pronoun
• It’s = it is = it’s a book
• Its = possessive = its color = warnanya.
• The parents love us
• I love them
• i love him
• i love her
• i love it
Task 1
1. The pencil is red
2. The books are green
3. The chair is new
4. The book is open
5. The door is closed
6. The chairs are heavy
7. The table is large
8. The key is small
9. The comb is black
10. The books are old
11. The students are busy
12. The exercise is easy
(+) The pencil is red
(-) The pencil is not red
(?) Is the pencil red? Yes, it is/ No, it is not/
No, it isn’t

(+) The books are green

(-) The books are not green
(?) Are the books green? Yes, they are/ No,
they are not/ No, they aren’t
Task 2

1. The boys helped the girls

2. Mary answers John
3. I received my books yesterday
4. I helped the new students
5. He is going to visit Mary
• I love the cat = I love it
• I love my son = I love him
• I love my parents = I love them
• My teacher is calling Annisa = My
teacher is calling her
• My teacher is calling Annisa and Raihan
= My teacher is calling them
To do
(+) I go to mall
(-) I don’t go to mall
(?) Do I go to mall? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

(+) Fadilah and Nunung study English

(-) Fadilah and Nunung don’t study English
(?) Do Fadilah and Nunung study English?
Yes, they do/ No, they don’t
(+) Ruslan sings well
(-) Ruslan doesn’t sing well
(?) Does Ruslan sing well? Yes, he
does/No, he doesn’t

(+) Salmah buys a bag

(-) Salmah doesn’t buy a bag
(?) Does Salmah buy a bag? Yes, she
does/No, she doesn’t
(+) I have a cat
(-) I don’t have a cat
(?) Do I have a cat? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

(+) Al ghifari has a cat

(-) Al ghifari doesn’t have a cat
(?) Does Al ghifari have a cat? Yes, he
does/ No, he doesn’t

Buat 5 kalimat (+, -, ?)

3 I you They we + 2 He she it


2 I you they we + 3 He she it

Statements with be Statements with do
My name is Syifa I don’t go to college
I am a Nursing student I do

She is my teacher Do you find my

Epidemiology book?
I am fine He doesn’t choose to
study Public Health
You are great Does he like
They are classmates
Fill with correct answers!
I . . . . . a close Friend. She . . . .beautiful,
attractive and trendy. She always wants to be
a trend setter of the day. She always pays
much attention on . . . .appearance.

. . . is a wonderful shoe from Yongki Komaladi

products. When she walks on that shoes, all . .
. . .friends watch and admire that they. . . . . the
most suitable shoes on her physical
appearance. The style, bright color, and brand
represent her as a smart woman of the day.
She really has perfect performance.
Correct the sentences below!

1. I always reads book in the library.

2. We doesn’t have friends.
3. He are smart man who gives award
from the teacher
4. She look beautiful everyday
5. Does she hears me?
6. She always pays attention for his
7. They will love I
Thank You~
Environmental Health

- How to save the environment

- Modal auxiliary
No. Things Meaning
1. Factory Pabrik
2. Plant Tumbuh-tumbuhan
3. Conflagration Kebakaran
4. Green house Rumah kaca
5. Rubbish Sampah
6. Pond Kolam
7. River Sungai
8. Forest Hutan
9. Field Ladang
10. Drainage Selokan
11. Peak Puncak
12. Mountain Gunung
13. Beach Pantai
14. Ground Tanah
Write the definition of the words provided.
Number 1 has been done for you
1. Factory is building where goods are made
something like sugar factory and etc.
2. River …
3. Field …
4. Drainage …
5. Forest …
6. Mountain …
7. Beach …
8. Pond …
9. Conflagration …
10. Plant …
Modal Auxiliary
 The modal auxiliaries in English are can,
could, may, might, must, ought (to),
shall, should, will, would.
 Modal auxiliaries generally express
speakers’ attitudes. For examples,
modals can express that a speaker feels
something is necessary, advisable,
permissible, possible, and in addition,
they can convey the strength of those
• You must/need to eat vegetable for your health (necessary or
• You should eat on time (suggestion)
• You can buy anything with your money (ability)
• Can I borrow your book? (permission)
• You could run faster than me two years ago (ability in past)
• He may work out and consume healthy food every day
• May I throw rubbish here? (permission)
• You might forget the embarrassing accident tomorrow
(possibility in present & future)
• I will help you if you help yourself first (willingness)
• Will you come with me? (invitation)
• Would you like/mind to see my craft? (willingness but more
• We ought to select the best candidate for the job
• Shall I give you some advice? (suggestion, simple future and
for first person like I and we )
Choose the best answer bellow!
1. …… you please check my paper for grammar errors?
2. You ……. pay your tuition fee immediately.
3. She …… do more than two tasks at one time
yesterday. (could/can )
4. Eva has very smooth skin. She ……. apply olive oil to
her face before going to bed. (may/should)
5. ….. you mind to go to my party tonight? (would/could)
6. …… I resend my resume? (would/shall)
7. You ……. make a reservation. (need to/could)
8. I ….. make you to love me. (will/may)
9. ….. I borrow your laptop, please? (may/should)
10. You …… change my money before you go. You can
do it when you arrive. (shouldn’t / have to)
Find at least 5 the modal auxiliaries in
the following article.

There are several easy steps you can take

to help create a clean environment and a
healthier planet including the following

● Do what you can simplify your life whenever possible. The

simpler your life the more you are contributing to a clean
environment. One way to do this is to use what you have and not
buy things that you really do not need. That will help you create
less waste that has to go into our already full landfills. The less
waste we all create the better of the environment will be.

● Use less products that come from trees in your home and at work. This is

referred to as having a tree-free home. Using less tree products will mean
more trees will be saved and that leads to better air quality. Easy ways to
use less tree products include using rags instead of paper towels, cloth
napkins instead of paper ones, using toilet paper that contains at least
80% recycled waste, using both sides of papers you have and print in
your home, and only using wood in your home that is easily renewed.

If you can have less trash come out of your home, the landfills

will not be so overflowing for future generations. You can do this
by purchasing products with as little packaging as possible and
recycling as much of your waste as possible. Also, buying only
what you need will lead to less trash and that will help the
Read the article!
How To Save The Environment

Throughout the evolution of the Homo

sapiens we have used the land to fulfill our
needs. During this millennia the Homo
sapiens has increased its mistreatment of the
environment by continually polluting or
destroying the land, causing the genocide of
many animals. The environment cannot be
saved when people don't change. You cannot
just be a vegetarian and think you are
protecting the animals. You cannot just shoot
deer for population control. You cannot farm
every bit of land.
To save the environment we have to go
primal. We have to reinforce the food chain.
When pioneers started shooting everything,
the balance between predator and prey was
ruined . We should, for example, reintroduce
the natural predators of deer, the wolf, instead
of shooting deer ourselves.
We need to stabilize the earth's hunger
situation by farming for the global populace
instead of for each individual country.
We must ration the global produce instead
of overindulging or starving others. We must
stop countries half the size of the U.S. from
having ten to fifteen times the population.
We must stabilize and minimize the human
populace and reshape without polluting the
present environmental conditions to save the
Check (✓) True or False for each statement
according the text.
Statement True False
1. The environment cannot be saved when
people do change.

2. When pioneers started shooting everything,

the balance between predator and prey was
3. Reintroduce the natural predators of deer, the
wolf, fish, instead of shooting deer ourselves.

4. We must not stop countries half the size of

the U.S. from having ten to fifteen times the
5. We must farm land good for farming instead
of destroying forests to produce food for a few
years and ruin the land forever.
Sanitation for All
- Suggestion people
- Names of profession in hospital
- Sanitation
No. Profession Meaning
1. General practitioner Dokter umum
2. Eye specialist Dokter spesialis mata
3, Ear specialist Dokter spesialis telinga
4. Throat specialist Dokter spesialis tenggorokan
5. Cardiologist Dokter jantung
6. Surgeon Dokter bedah
7. Dentist Dokter gigi
8. Family doctor Dokter keluarga
9. Pediatrician Dokter anak
10. Veterinarian Dokter hewan
11. Nutritionist Ahli gizi
12. Nurse Perawat
13. Paramedic Paramedikal
14. Pharmacist Apoteker
Match those definitions with the correct
name of profession in the hospital
1. A person whose job is to care for people who are ill or injured
also to help doctor [ ]
2. A person who is trained to do medical work, especially in an
emergency, but who is not a doctor or nurse [ ]
3. A doctor who provides general medical treatment for particular
family [ ]
4. A heart specialist [ ]
5. A doctor who has special training in medical care for children [ ]
6. A person who scientifically studies, and gives advice about,
food and eating [ ]
7. A doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations
8. A person whose job is treating people's teeth [ ]
9. A person with a medical degree trained to take care of the
health of animals [ ]
10.A person who is trained to prepare medicines and who works in
a hospital or shop [ ]
Husna : Khalipah, I need your help.
Khalipah : Yes, please. What can I do for
Husna : My mother asked me to buy drug,
but I don’t know the name of the drug is. My
mother only gives me this prescription.
Khalipah : Why don’t you try to ask the
pharmacist in the drug store?
Husna : Yeah, that’s right. Good suggestion.
I will ask the pharmacist to explain this
Khalipah : So, what are you waiting for? Let’s
go !
Listen carefully to the conversation and
fill in the blanks

Husna : Eva, you 1…….. so sad. Are you

Eva : Actually I am not well. I got toothache.
Husna : Hmm, I 2…… you should meet a
Eva : Sounds like a good idea. But, I won’t go
there alone.
Husna : It’s okay. I will accompany you.
Eva : Thank you, Husna.
Husna : Don’t 4…… it.
Complete the text while you are listening
• Text 1
I like my job, but lots of ….... don’t like coming to
see me because they hate ….... Sometimes it’s
very ….... work, but it’s great to help people
when they have a problem. It’s so ….... look …....
your teeth.

• Text 2
I work in a ….... in the city center. It’s a very big
hospital. I am a ….... I help doctors with the …....
I give them their ….... and look after them when
they feel ill. I love my job but I don’t like the
uniform and sometimes I have to ….... at night.
Here some expression to suggest
Read the following conversation and then
answer the questions
Amalina : Dewi, Let’s talk about our future job.
Dewi : It’s sound good
Amalina : I want to be a doctor. I like children or baby.
Dewi : Hmm, I think the suitable future job for you is
Amalina : Good idea and I think you should be a
presenter because you so talkative.
Dewi : I don’t think so. My parents want me work in the
hospital. But, I don’t know the suitable job is
Amalina : How about dentist ?
Dewi : No, I like to help people and caring for someone.
Amalina : How about nurse ?
Dewi : hmm, I think so. Thank for your suggestion.

1. What is suggestion job for Amalina?

2. Where is Dewi’s parents want her work at?
3. Does Dewi want to become a dentist?
4. Who is probably become a nurse?
Grammar Focus~
Simple Present Tense
Structure of Simple Present Tense
To form the Present Simple Tense we use the
verb’s base form (go, work, speak, study). In
3rd person singular (he, she, it) the base
form of the verb takes – s/es.
Positive (+)

Example :
• She goes to school everyday.
• Mr. Warto works at his office everyday.
• Bagas learns English everyday.
Negative (-)

Example :
• He doesn’t often go to the traditional
• We don’t get up early at the school
• They don’t speak Japanese very well.
Interrogative (?)

Example :
• Do they speak English?
• Do you want a banana juice ?
• Does your sister play guitar well ?
Choose the correct answer to complete
the following sentences
1. Lightning (occurs/occur) in hot, wet storms.
2. Rika (study/studies) Math every Tuesday
3. Shalihah (sleeps/sleep) at 10 o’clock in the
4. Whales (are/is) sea-living mammals.
5. Kangaroos (have eat/eat) grass and plants.
6. An iceberg (are/is) an enormous piece of ice
floating in the sea
7. A tiger (is/was) a wild animal. The tiger
(eats/eat) meat
8. Ahmad often (watch/watches) TV before
Reading and Answer The

Page. 44
Thank You~
Material 1
Page. 8
Material 2
How to Recycle
Material 3
Trash and The Environment
page. 18-26
Material 4
Pollution Vocabularies
Material 5
Elements of Public Health
Material 6
Working in a Laboratory
Material 7
Safety in The Lab
Material 8
Lab safety Dictation Exercise
Material 9Jobs and People
in Medicine
Fill the gaps below with the following words

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