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Nursing Care Plan and Diagnosis for Risk for Injury

MARDALENA (2014901070)
Profesi Ners Politeknik Kesehatan Tanjungkarang
A 56 year old male is admitted with pneumonia. The
patient is also blind in both eyes and has been blind
since he was 21 years old.  You have started your
nursing care plan and have addressed the pneumonia
on your care plan. The patient is alert and oriented
times 3. The patient reports to you that he is clumsy
and that he “almost” fell out of bed last week. He says
that when he is in an unfamiliar environment he is
more prone to accidents but once he has learned the
lay out of the room he will be okay.
Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for injury related to impaired sensory function of
vision as evidence by patient is blind in both eyes.
Subjective Data
The patient reports to you that he is clumsy and that
he “almost” fell out of bed last week. He says that
when he is in an unfamiliar environment he is more
prone to accidents but once he has learned the lay out
of the room he will be okay.
Objective Data
A 56 year old male is admitted with pneumonia. The
patient is also blind in both eyes and has been blind
since he was 21 years old.  You have started your
nursing care plan and have addressed the pneumonia
on your care plan. The patient is alert and oriented
times 3.
Nursing Outcomes
-The patient will be free from injuries during his
-The patient will verbalize the lay out of the room within
12 hours of admission.
-The patient will demonstrate how to correctly use the
braille call light when asking for assistance.
Nursing Interventions
-The nurse will educate the patient on how to use the
braille call light when asking for assistance.
-The nurse will keep the patients room clutter free at all
-The nurse will room any hazardous, skidding, or sharp
objects from the room.
-The nurse will educate and describe to the patient the
room lay out.
-The nurse will assess the patients concerns about safety
in the room.
References :
Thankyou 

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