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Components of Career

Role of Educators
 observe children carefully, listen to their questions and their
stories, discover what interests them and then provide them
with opportunities to explore these interests further. The
children lead the development of the learning environment.

 aims to help students see some relationships between that

which they are presently studying and the possible careers
they may choose to follow at some future time.
Vocational Skills Training in Formal
 is education that prepares people to work as a technician or in various
jobs such as a trade or a craft.
 is sometimes referred to as career and technical education
 A vocational school is a type of educational institution specifically
designed to provide vocational education
 The goal of this component is to provide students with occupational
skills required to work successfully.
 The phrase "vocational skills training" rather than "vocational
education" is used in part to emphasize the fact that any class may be
vocational skills training for one or more of its students.
Career Development Programs
 defines their work identity and income potential and significantly impacts their lifestyles.
 involving the efforts of all educators and those of many persons outside education, aims to
help students understand themselves in terms of their values, interests, abilities, and
 it seeks to help students see relationships between these kinds of self-understandings and
understandings of possible educational-occupational opportunities that are likely to be
available to them.
 it seeks to help students make some kind of occupational or career decisions based on
these kinds of understandings. In short, it represents career education's attempt to
emphasize and make meaningful the inherent right of each individual to lead his own life, to
control to the maximum extent his own destiny, and to see himself as the worthy and
worthwhile person he is.
Efforts of the Business-Labor-Industry
 This component assumes that neither students nor educators
can learn what they need to know about work or about the
relationships between education and work by insulating
themselves from the real world of work outside education
 Observational work experience and work study opportunities
for students and for those who educate students-teachers,
counselors, supervisors, school administrators-should be an
integral part of the education process.
Role of Home and Family

 This component recognizes both the right and the responsibility of parents to
care about and to influence attitudes which their children develop toward
work, toward education, and toward the relationships existing between work
and education
 It sees the home as a place where work values and the dignity of all honest
work can be taught
 It recognizes the need to help parents develop and apply means of positively
assisting in the career development of their children in ways that will
enhance rather than detract from the goals of career education.
ACTIVITY !!!!!!!

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