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Submitted by- Anjali Mishra
UID: 2019-2808-0001-0001
• Geert Hofstede, Dutch • Year 1980

Who? When?

How? Why?
• Surveyed 88000 • Globalization
employees in IBM • Immigration.
Subsidiaries in 72 • Diversification.
National Cultural Dimensions

Power Distance Index Individualism vs. Masculinity vs. Uncertainty Long-term vs. short- Indulgence vs.
(PDI) Collectivism Feminity Avoidance Index term Orientation Restraint
• This dimension expresses • Individualism refers to the • The Masculinity is degree (UAI) • Long term orientation is • Indulgence stands for a
the degree to which the less degree to which a society to which a society • Degree to which the the future- perseverance society that allows relatively
powerful members of a focuses on the relationship emphasizes traditional members of a society feel and thrift and ordering free gratification of basic
society accept and expect of the individual to the masculine qualities, such as uncomfortable with relationships by status. and natural human drives
that power is distributed group.  advancement and earnings. uncertainty and ambiguity. • Short-term orientation related to enjoying life and
unequally.  • Collectivism refers to the • Femininity, stands for a fosters virtues related to having fun.
• The fundamental issue here degree to which a society preference for cooperation, past or present – respect for • Restraint stands for a
is how a society handles focuses on the relationship modesty, caring for the tradition, personal society that suppresses
inequalities among people. of the group as a whole. weak and quality of life. steadiness and stability. gratification of needs and
regulates it by means of
strict social norms.

Low High

Egalitarian Power Distance Embraces Hierarchy

Collectivist Collectivism vs. Individualism Individualist

Comfortable with Uncertainty Avoidance Index Uncomfortable with

uncertainty certainty

Nurture important Feminity vs. Masculinity Power Important

Traditional and Short-term vs. long-term orientation Futuristic and long-

short-term term

Normative Restraint vs. Indulgence Satisfaction is good

Implications of Dimensions

Type of High Power Distance Low Power Distance Type of Low Individualism/High Collectivism High Individualism/Low Collectivism
Relationship with  Employees act in the interest of in-  Employees act in their own interests
Organizational  Very Centralized  Decentralized Structure companies group (members of the family or same
Structures  Tall hierarchies with clear levels  Flat Organization hierarchies university)
 Employee commitment to organizations
of managers and subordinates. high
 Employee commitment to company
relatively low
 Employee-employer relationship based on
Marginal  Concentration of authority at  Dispersed authority the market.
Authority the top  Employee-employer relationships is
almost like a family link
 Managers rely on personal
 Managers rely on formal rules experience
to manage
Human resource  Hiring and promotion takes in-group  Hiring and promotions based on rules
management into consideration
 More consultative or
 Family relationships unimportant in hiring
 Authoritative managerial style collaborative forms of decision  Better to reward based on equality (give
and decision making. making. everyone the same reward) rather than
equity (base reward on work effort)  Better to reward based on equity
Relatives of employees preferred in
Relationship  Subordinates expect to be told  Subordinates often expected to hiring  Training done best individually
with supervisors what to do be consulted
 Training best when focused at group  
 Perfect boss is seen as one who  Ideal manager is seen as a
is an autocrat democratic leader
Other issues  Belief in collective decisions  Belief in individual decision making

 Information sharing  Openness to sharing information

constrained by hierarchy  Treating friends better than others is  Treating friends better than others at the
normal workplace is considered unethical

Other issues  Wide salary gap between top  Low salary gap between top and  Support of teamwork  More mobility across occupations within
and bottom of organization bottom of company company
 Less mobility across occupations
 Tasks and company prevail over personal
 Managers often feel underpaid  Managers feel paid adequately relationships in business.
and dissatisfied with career. and are satisfied  Personal relationships very critical in
Implications of Dimensions
Type of Work/Activity High Masculinity Low Masculinity
Type of Work/Activity Low Uncertainty Avoidance High Uncertainty Avoidance
Relationship with work
Relationship with companies  Work in order to live
 Weak loyalty to companies  Strong loyalty to employing  Live in order to work
organizations  Preference for lower number of work
 Preference for high pay
 Average duration of employment
shorter  Employment are long term in  Workers look for security, pay and
interesting work  Workers look for better working
duration conditions and relationships in work
 Preference for smaller
Managers’ characteristics
organizations  Preference for larger companies
Characteristics of
 Managers seen as cultural heroes  Managers are employees like others
supervisors/managers  Superiors optimistic about
subordinate ambition and  Superiors pessimistic about  Successful managers primarily  Successful managers are seen as
leadership abilities subordinate ambition exhibit male characteristics possessing both male and female
 Managers need to be competitive,
 Top managers usually involved in  Top managers often involved in firm, aggressive, and decisive  Managers hold fairly modest career
Managers are very ambitious ambition
strategy operations
 Fewer women in management  More women in management
 Power of superiors based on  Power of superiors based on  Managers prepared to move  Managers less prepared to uproot
relationships and position control of uncertainties family for career reasons family because of career move

 Transformational leaders  Hierarchical control roles preferred

preferred Other issues

 Low salary gap between top and

Entrepreneurship and  Large pay gap between genders bottom of company [what about
innovation  Innovators feel less constrained
by rules  Innovators feel constrained by rules Job applicants oversell their gender gap?]
 Managers feel paid adequately and
 Rational championing  Absences due to sickness lower are satisfied
 Renegade championing
 General preference for larger  Absences because of sickness higher
 Formalized management companies
 Tolerance for ambiguity in
structures  Preference for smaller organizations
procedures and structures  Conflicts are resolved through
fighting until the best “man” wins  Conflicts are resolved through
compromise and negotiations
 Innovation resisted
 Innovation welcomed
• Cross-cultural misunderstandings quite evident which might hamper productivity and profitability.
• Hofstede developed this cultural model primarily on the basis of differences in values and beliefs regarding work
goals existing in various cultural regions.
• The table below showcases some of the countries and their levels of cultural dimensions -

Countries Power Distance Individualism Uncertainty Masculinity

Australia Low High Low High
Canada Low High Low High
China High Low Medium Medium
Germany Low High Medium High
Mexico High Medium High High
France High High High Low
Spain Medium Medium High Low
Greece Medium Medium High Medium
Denmark Low High Low Low
Finland Low High Medium Low
Brazil High Medium Medium Medium
India High Medium Low Medium
Japan Low Medium High High
U.K. Low High Low High
U.S.A. Low High Low High

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