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Social Media & the rise

of Narcissism
Social Media
Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated
to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.
Google+ etc.
Narcissistic is a long-term pattern of abnormal behaviour
characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an
excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others'
People affected by it often spend a lot of time thinking about
achieving power or success, or about their appearance. They often
take advantage of the people around them.
Me! Me! Me! Are we living through
a narcissism epidemic?
From attention-seeking celebrities to digital oversharing and the
boom in cosmetic surgery, narcissistic behaviour is all around us.
How worried should we be about our growing self-obsession?
Is Social Media to Blame for the Rise
in Narcissism?
In a world where prime-time television is dominated by a “reality” as
false as the Kardashians’ lashes, and people sit across dinner tables
checking in on Facebook rather than having face-to-face
conversations, this may not come as a surprise.
I, narcissist – vanity, social media,
and the human condition
Are the likes of Instagram and Facebook turning us all into vain and
attention-seeking narcissists, or were we that way to begin with?
Social Media Attracts People Who
Need An Ego Boost
According to a study from the University of Michigan, social media
sites like Facebook and Twitter attract people who need an ego
boost. The research determined that an obsession with social media
is becoming less about connecting with others and more about
vanity, egocentricity and self-promotion.
Few signs you may be a
social media narcissist:
You are a selfie specialist
You constantly check status updates, messages, and comments
posted to your social media accounts more than you do your work
You over-share. Studies have shown Facebook encourages users to
engage in self-promoting and other superficial behaviors, explains
Tying into overshare, you tweet, tweet, tweet every thought that
comes to mind or every action you take.
Few signs you may be a
social media narcissist:
You constantly rub in how awesome your life is – how
handsome/beautiful, rich, and caring your partner is – how cool your
well-paying job (everyone would kill for that you got out of sheer luck)
You are friends with everyone, anyone, so long as your online friend
number continues to increase.
You seek support and validation when posting melodramatic ‘Whoa is
me’ updates, but fail to reciprocate when others appear in genuine
need of help. Narcissistic individuals tend to dismiss, negate or ignore
the concerns of others.
Narcissistic Social Media: to Avoid the
Trap ask yourself these questions……..
2. Does this
provide value
1. Would to anyone but
anyone but my me?
mom care?
3. Why would
someone read
my post?
Narcissistic Social Media: to Avoid the
Trap ask yourself these questions……..
5. Is this a
4. Am I in the desperate
picture? My feet? bid for likes?
My food? My
6. Am I just
joining a trend
or am I making
a trend?
Narcissistic Social Media: to Avoid the
Trap ask yourself these questions……..
8. Do I come across
7. Would I click
as insecure, needy,
like if someone or overly self-
else posted this? promotional?
Narcissistic Social Media: to Avoid the
Trap ask yourself these questions……..
10. Are you
9. Does my post
trying to make
link to someone
someone else
beyond myself?
Thanks to :-
avoid-trap › World › Social media

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