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What are the boys doing?

They are playing football.

What is the litte boy doing?

He is watching T.V
What are the boys doing?

They are doing the judo

Is the girl writing?

Yes. She is writing

Actions now

I. Grammar:
Mai and Chau


Wednesday , October 7th ,2020

Duong I don't know. They're coming over. Actions now

Mai Hi, Phuc. Hi, Duong. This is my friend Chau.
Phuc & Hi, Chau. Nice to meet you.
Chau Nice to meet you too.
Duong Would you like to sit down? We have lots of food.
Mai Oh, sorry,Plans for future
we can't. It's time to go home.
This evening, we are working on our school project.
Duong Sounds great. I'm going to the judo club with my brother.
How about you Phuc?
Phuc I'm visiting my grandma and grandpa.
I. Grammar: The present continuous for future
(+) S + be + V_ing + …
1. Form: (-) S + be not + V_ing + …

(?) Be + S + V_ing + …?

The Present continuous tense to talk about future plans

Actions now ( now, at the moment, at present)
2. Use:
Plans for future( tonight, tomorrow,
this evening, next week)
Note: Cách thêm đuôi “– ing” cho động từ
1. Động từ tận cùng bằng e, ta bỏ e câm rồi mới thêm ing
Eg: take -> taking , drive -> driving , write -> writing
- Nhưng nếu trước -e là 1 nguyên âm thì giữ nguyên nó + -ing
Eg: see -> seeing , agree-> agreeing
2. Động từ tận cùng bằng ie, ta đổi ie -> y rồi thêm -ing
Eg: lie -> lying , die-> dying
3. Nhân đôi phụ âm cuối trước khi thêm -ing
- Khi động từ có duy nhất 1 âm tiết và tận cùng bằng “1 nguyên âm
+ 1 phụ âm” thì ta nhân đôi phụ âm cuối trước khi thêm ing
Ví dụ: win ->winning , put -> putting
- Trong trường hợp động từ có 2 âm trở lên, ta nhân đôi phụ
âm khi dấu nhấn rơi vào âm cuối cùng.
Ví dụ: permit -> permitting, prefer -> preferring
- Không nhân đôi phụ âm khi dấu nhấn âm không là âm cuối
Ví dụ: open -> opening , enter -> entering
Nhung’s week
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
swimming project party

Nhung: Would you like to go to my party on Friday?

Phong: I’d love to. I’m not doing anything on Friday.
/ Oh. I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m going swimming with my brother.
- Plan for all days of a
Home work week
-Prepare new lesson:
Unit 3. Lesson 4.

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