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Erikson’s psychosocial


Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Erik Erikson
• Father abandoned before
• Irregular work in Europe
without an identity.
• Took a job as a teacher for
children of Freud’s patients.
• Trained in psychoanalysis
(i.e. Freud).
• Took name as Erikson (son
of himself) symbolizing full
attainment of sense of

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Psychosocial Development
• Psychosocial: Development of self in relationship
to society
– Psycho: Mental processes
– Social: Relating to society
• Developmental changes in behavior result from
the interaction between internal drives and
cultural demands
– Psychosocial development is culturally relative:
• Children in all cultures go through the same sequence of
stages, but each culture has its own way of directing the
child’s behavior
• Social demands change within each culture over time

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Erikson’s Stages of
Psychosocial Development
• Maturation and culture’s expectations create
eight crises that the individual must resolve for
healthy development
– Cultural demands change as a child ages
• Development continues throughout the lifespan
– Main goal in life is the search for identity
• Identity: Understanding and accepting one’s self and society
• Eight psychosocial stages throughout the lifespan
influences identity
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Erikson’s Stages of
Psychosocial Development
• Each stage is characterized by a crisis
– Crisis: a psychosocial challenge that presents
opportunities for development
– Positive resolution of crisis leads to growth but
negative resolution (or no resolution) leads to
• Positive resolution: Constructive orientation toward
future events related to that conflict
• Negative resolution: Problems resolving future crises

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Erikson’s Stages of
Psychosocial Development
Stage Age Crisis
Infancy 0-1 Trust vs. Mistrust*
Early Childhood 2-3 Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt
Preschool 3-5 Initiative vs. Guilt
School Age 6-11 Industry vs. Inferiority
Adolescence 12-20 Identity vs. Role Confusion*
Young Adults Mid-20s Intimacy vs. Isolation*
Adulthood 25-60 Generativity vs. Stagnation*
Old Age 60+ Ego Integrity vs. Despair

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Age: 0-1 years
Primary Event: Feeding
Stage 1:
Trust vs. Mistrust
• Newborns cannot meet their own needs
– Have to trust that their mother meets their needs
– Trust: Essential trustfulness of others and sense of
one’s own trustworthiness
• Positive Resolution: Trust in the world based
on basic needs being met
• Parents’ Role: Provide warmth and
responsiveness to child’s needs to foster a
secure attachment

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Age: 2-3 years
Primary Event: Toilet Training
Stage 2:
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
• Failing at toilet training leads to shame and doubt in
• Autonomy: Determination to exercise free will
• Shame and doubt about one’s self-control and
independence results if:
– Trust crisis was not resolved
– Toilet training was too harsh
– Child’s will is broken by over-controlling parents
• Positive Resolution: Development of self-confidence
based on encouragement and limit setting
• Parents’ Role: Balance the child’s desire for autonomy
and parent’s need to control the child’s behavior
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Age: 3-5 years
Stage 3: Primary Event: Independence

Initiative vs. Guilt

• Initiative: Actively seek to impose sense of will
on surroundings
• Must learn balance between acting and controlling impulses
• Guilt results if initiative frequently leads to
punishment or disapproval
• Positive Resolution: Explore the environment
with a sense of purpose
• Parents’ Role: Support the child’s initiative in
appropriate situations
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Age: 6-11 years
Primary Event: School
Stage 4:
Industry vs. Inferiority
• Industry: Doing things that others value
• Successful experiences give sense of industry,
competence, and mastery
– Unsuccessful experiences leads to feelings of
inadequacy, inferiority, and no self-worth
• Positive Resolution: Productive work, success
experiences, and understanding of progress
• Parents’ Role: Help children participate in
activities where they are successful
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Age: 12-20 years
Primary Event: Peer Relationships
Stage 5:
Identity vs. Role Confusion
• Identity: Integrated sense of self
– Answering: Who am I?
– Integrate beliefs in politics, religion, career, life
purpose, family, etc.
• Identity crisis is the most significant conflict
• Role confusion: Inability to integrate beliefs,
leaving a fragmented personality
• Positive Resolution: Strong sense of identity and
plans for the future
• Parents’ Role: Help the child learn about options
for their identity
Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
James Marcia’s Identity States

Committed to Identity?
Yes No
Identity Identity
Searching Achievement Moratorium
for Identity? Identity Identity
Foreclosure Diffusion

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Age: mid-20s
Primary Event: Loving Relationships
Stage 6:
Intimacy vs. Isolation
• Intimacy: Close committed relationship with
– Identity is necessary for intimacy with others
• Positive Resolution: Ability to self-disclose
with another person

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Age: 25-60 years
Primary Event: Parenting
Stage 7:
Generativity vs. Stagnation
• Generativity: Desire to create things in the
world that will outlive you
• Stagnation: Self-absorption
• Positive Resolution: Acts of caring beyond the

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Age: 60+ years
Primary Event: Reflection on Life
Stage 8:
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
• Ego Integrity: View that one’s life has had
meaning and acceptance of one’s choices.
• Despair: Regret for what one has or has not
done with their life
• Positive Resolution: Satisfaction about the

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Comparing Developmental Theories
Active/Passive Nature/Nurture Stage/Continuous
Piaget Active Both Stage
Information Processing Active Both Both
Sociocultural Active Both Continuous
Neo-Piagetians Active Both Stage
Social Learning Both Nurture Continuous
Psychosocial Passive Both Stage
Ecological Systems

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Critique of Psychosocial Theory
• Strengths
– One of first developmental theories to focus on
development across the lifespan
– Logical progression of life stages
• Weakness
– The theory does not explain why development

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
Implications for Education
• Importance of early relationships with
• Illustrates the significance of successful
experiences in school
• Explains that children of different ages have
different social needs

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos
• Describe Erikson’s eight stages.
• Explain what a teacher/parent can do to
support development in each of the childhood

Dr. K. A. Korb
University of Jos

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