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I became

part of
Mark check the sentence that shows good member of the family.

I study well.

I obey my parents.

I share my toys with my siblings.

I help clean my room.

I set the dining table.

9/3/20XX   Presentation Title 2
Good Family
 A good family member is happy in serving his family.

 He brings joy to the family.

 He shares his plans with his family.

 A good family celebrates its unity.

 God’s family celebrates its unity in the Eucharist.

11/25/2020 CLE 1 3
We are God’s Family
 A family comes together to
celebrate important events.
 Sunday is an important day of
God’s family because it is Lord’s
11/25/2020 CLE 1 4
We are God’s Family
 On the Lord’s Day we celebrate
the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus
 The best way to honor the Lord’s
Day is to celebrate the Eucharist.
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 In the Eucharist we listen to the
Word of God (the teaching of the
 In the Eucharist we gather as
God’s family (the common life of
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 The Eucharist is the sacred meal
that members the Death and
Resurrection of Jesus Christ (the
breaking of bread).
11/25/2020 CLE 1 7
 In the Eucharist we all comes to
worship God, to thank Him for his
goodness, and pray for the needs of
all (the prayers)
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Sunday Eucharist

We pay attention to the Word of God by

reading the Bible and also by listening to our
parents and teachers as they explain to us the
Word of God.

11/25/2020 CLE 1 9
Sunday Eucharist

We try to live together in peace and

harmony with our brothers and sisters,
with our classmates and friends.

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Sunday Eucharist

We prepare some offering for the

Sunday Eucharistic meal by our
sacrifices and works of charity.

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Sunday Eucharist

We pray daily to God.

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